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What does the human spine do?

What does the human spine do?

Your spine, or backbone, is your body’s central support structure. It connects different parts of your musculoskeletal system. Your spine helps you sit, stand, walk, twist and bend. Back injuries, spinal cord conditions and other problems can damage the spine and cause back pain.

Why is the spine unique?

As part of the body, the spine is a unique and complex structure. The spine is composed of living bone, cartilaginous elements (car-t-lay-gin-us), joints, a spinal cord, nerve roots, ligaments, tendons, muscles, and a vascular system. The whole body, as well as the spine, is dependent on the function of each element.

Why is the spine so important?

The spine is one of the most important parts of your body. Without it, you could not keep yourself upright or even stand up. It gives your body structure and support. It allows you to move about freely and to bend with flexibility.

How much weight can your spine support?

The spine is very strong. In fact it can handle hundreds of kilograms of pressure. This is a good thing too, because something as simple as lying flat on your back with your knees elevated can put up to 25 pounds of pressure on your spine.

How strong is the human spine?

What part of your spine controls your legs?

The nerves of the cervical spine go to the upper chest and arms. The nerves in your thoracic spine go to your chest and abdomen. The nerves of the lumbar spine then reach to your legs, bowel, and bladder. These nerves coordinate and control all the body’s organs and parts, and let you control your muscles.

What part of the spine controls the legs?

How do you keep your spine healthy as you age?

Keeping Your Spine Healthy As You Age

  1. Focus On Your Posture.
  2. Wear Comfortable, Supportive Shoes.
  3. Eat a Well-Balanced Diet.
  4. Build Strength With Exercises.
  5. Stay Flexible.
  6. Reduce Stress.
  7. Follow Your Doctor’s Advice.
  8. Expert Orthopedics in Cleveland Area.

What are the 5 areas of the spine?

The spine is composed of 33 bones, called vertebrae, divided into five sections: the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spine sections, and the sacrum and coccyx bones. The cervical section of the spine is made up of the top seven vertebrae in the spine, C1 to C7, and is connected to the base of the skull.