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What does the name beryl mean in English?

What does the name beryl mean in English?

The name Beryl is primarily a female name of English origin that means Semi-precious Stone. From the Greek Berylis.

What does the name beryl mean in the Bible?

In Greek Baby Names the meaning of the name Beryl is: Crystal. In the Bible the eighth foundation stone of the wall of New Jerusalem was beryl.

What kind of name is beryl?

The name Beryl is a girl’s name of Greek origin meaning “sea-green jewel”. Dated British favorite that never caught on in this country, where Jade remains the green gem of choice. Interesting namesakes: British writer Beryl Bainbridge and British aviatrix Beryl Markham.

Is beryl a woman name?

The female name Beryl was always more popular in the British Isles than in North America; since the mid-20th century the name has become somewhat unfashionable in the British Isles….Beryl (given name)

Gender Unisex
Word/name (female) Greek

What Colour is beryl?

Pure beryl is colorless, but it is frequently tinted by impurities; possible colors are green, blue, yellow, and red (the rarest). Beryl can also be black in color. It is an ore source of beryllium.

What is beryl in Hebrew?

Meaning: Bear. Gender: Both. Origin: Yiddish. You Might Also Like: Dov.

How did beryl get its name?

The name beryl comes from the Latin word “beryllus,” which is a “precious blue-green color-of-sea-water stone.” Beryl is the star sign stone for Scorpio and the talismanic stone for Sagittarius. The mineral can be opaque to translucent with a vitreous luster.

How do you spell beryl in Hebrew?


  1. Meaning: Bear.
  2. Gender: Both.
  3. Origin: Yiddish.
  4. You Might Also Like: Dov. , Baer.

What gems are beryl?

It is found in igneous and metamorphic rocks in many parts of the world. Beryl has served as a minor ore of beryllium, and color varieties of the mineral are among the world’s most popular gemstones. Emerald, aquamarine, heliodor, and morganite are the most popular varieties of beryl.

What is the color of beryl?

Beryl Varieties The beryl mineral species comes in a variety of colors like pink, red, green, blue, brown, and black.

What does the name Beryl mean?

Beryl ▼ as a girls’ name is pronounced BEHR-el. It is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Beryl is “light green semiprecious gemstone”. The word is of Indian origin, from the Sanskrit term “veruliya”.

What is Beryl used for?

Beryl is widely used in industries. Beryl is ore of Beryllium which is very tough and rare element. It is used in making of other minerals as an alloy to give them strength. This is very expensive to produce. It is also used in military applications.

What does Beryl look like?

Naturally occurring, hexagonal crystals of beryl can be up to several meters in size, but terminated crystals are relatively rare. Pure beryl is colorless, but it is frequently tinted by impurities; possible colors are green, blue, yellow, red (the rarest), and white.

Is Beryl and Emerald the same thing?

Emerald and Green Beryl – both belong to the same species – Beryl. Yet, there are many differences amongst both. To clearly understand the differences it is firstly essential to have a brief introduction of these green colored gemstones. Emerald is the most fascinating member of the Beryl family. It is a green to a greenish blue variety of Beryl.