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What does the phrase take it easy mean?

What does the phrase take it easy mean?

informal. 1 : to relax and avoid hard work or strain The doctor told her she should take it easy for a while. 2 : to stay or become calm and unexcited —usually used as a command Take it easy, Joe.

Is it rude to say take it easy?

When saying goodbye, take it easy and take care are virtual equivalents. I wouldn’t construe either one to mean anything more than a polite yet standard way of saying goodbye when two people depart from each other.

What can I say instead of goodbye?

17 Smart Ways to Say Goodbye in English

  • Bye. This is the standard goodbye.
  • Bye bye! This sweet and babyish expression is usually only used when speaking to children.
  • See you later, See you soon or Talk to you later.
  • I’ve got to get going or I must be going.
  • Take it easy.
  • I’m off.
  • Goodbye.
  • Have a nice day or Have a good _____

Is it OK to tell someone to take it easy?

You can say take it easy to someone when you say goodbye: Ok, take it easy, you guys. I’ll see you soon.

Why would someone say take it easy?

Take it easy – To take it easy means to relax, so really what you’re saying with this goodbye is that you’re wishing the other person well, and that they have a nice and easy time until you see them again. It may sound close to take care, but it’s far more informal than that.

When guys say take it easy?

If someone tells you to take it easy or take things easy, they mean that you should relax and not do very much at all.

Does goodbye mean forever?

“Goodbye” started out as a blessing, but now it usually means “’til next time” and it’s a polite way to take one’s leave. You might say “Goodbye” to your wife when you leave in the morning, but if you said “Farewell” she would wonder whether you were ever coming back.

Why so long means goodbye?

The London Globe suggests that the expression is derived from the Norwegian ‘Saa laenge,’ a common form of ‘farewell,’ au revoir. If so, the phrase was picked up from the Norwegians in America, where ‘So long’ first was heard. The expression is now (1923) often used by the literary and artistic classes.

What does it mean when a man says take it easy?

If someone tells you to take it easy or take things easy, they mean that you should relax and not do very much at all. [informal]

How do you respond when someone says take it easy?

The answer below is pretty much I wanted to express. So what I should say would be “I will take it say”, or “I will”, or just “will do”.

How do you respond to take it easy?

Where did the phrase Take It Easy come from?

The origin of the idiom ‘take it easy’ depends on the context in which the term is used. If you’re going to relax for recreational purposes, you are using the original meaning of the idiom dating back to 1867. If someone is leaving and you’re hoping they have a nice time, you are using a later version of the idiom.