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What does the speaker in the story?

What does the speaker in the story?

In writing, the speaker is the voice that speaks behind the scene. In fact, it is the narrative voice that speaks of a writer’s feelings or situation.

What does the speaker of the poem mean?

Just like fiction has a narrator, poetry has a speaker–someone who is the voice of the poem. Often times, the speaker is the poet. Other times, the speaker can take on the voice of a persona–the voice of someone else including animals and inanimate objects.

What does identify the speaker mean?

Noun. 1. speaker identification – identification of a person from the sound of their voice.

Why is the speaker of a poem important?

The speaker can be the most important aspect of a poem. The speaker allows for a more active voice in the poem, and can often serve as a mouthpiece to communicate the ideas of the poet to an audience. Much like an actor, the speaker can tell or act out a first-hand account of what occurs.

Who is the speaker and what is the message created?

Answer. Explanation: the person who creates a message also called a sender. the speaker transforms ideas and thoughts into messages and sends them to a receiver or audience.

What does the Speaker represent what about the person addressed in the poem coup de grace?

Who do you think does the persona represent in coup de grace? The persona represent the whole world. The persons addressed in these poem are the entire citizens and all the living creatures as well who suffered from brutality and inhumanity.

How does speaker identification work?

In speaker verification, an identity is claimed by an unknown speaker, and an utterance of this unknown speaker is compared with a model for the speaker whose identity is being claimed. If the match is good enough, that is, above a threshold, the identity claim is accepted.

How is symbolism used in poetry?

In poetry and other forms of writing, symbolism is often used to convey a specific meaning to the audience. Writers often employ this literary device as a means of artistic expression. Why say, “I’m lonely,” when you can paint a picture of a lone moon “wandering companionless” through the night sky?

Who is the speaker and whom is he addressing to?

the speaker is someone who speaks to the floor and he should address the guest and the audiences.