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What does the west wind symbolize to the speaker?

What does the west wind symbolize to the speaker?

In the poem, the speaker directly addresses the west wind. The speaker treats the west wind as a force of death and decay, and welcomes this death and decay because it means that rejuvenation and rebirth will come soon.

What season does the poet associate with the west wind What feelings does Shelley create around the west wind in sections II and IIII?

In Shelley’s “Ode to the West Wind,” the wind comes from autumn itself. Shelley calls it the “breath of Autumn’s being.” In the poem, Shelley moves from emotions of mourning to emotions of hope, all brought on by watching the west wind blow.

What does the west wind represent?

Readers can see that the west wind has became a symbol of the spirit, it represents the spirit of breaking the old world and the pursuit of the new order. The west wind is not only the wind in nature, but also embodies the revolutionary storm, which represents the irresistible force of the spirit.

Why does Shelley call the west wind?

Shelley calls the West Wind a destroyer because it strips all the leaves off the trees, tumbles them helter-skelter and piles them up all over the landscape. It is essential to dispersing them. But it also blows the seeds that will be sprouting when the weather turns warm again.

When winter comes can spring be far behind?

The proverb ‘If winter comes, can spring be far behind? ‘ means that if something bad or unfortunate happens, one mustn’t lose heart for there is definitely something better and much more fortunate that will soon follow. The quote refers to the cycle of joy and sorrow.

What is the main theme of Ode to the West Wind?

Major themes in “Ode to the West Wind”: Power, human limitations and the natural world are the major themes of this poem. The poet adores the power and grandeur of the west wind, and also wishes that revolutionary ideas could reach every corner of the universe.

How is the west wind compared with the breath of autumn?

Expert Answers In Shelley’s “Ode to the West Wind,” autumn is personified as a living being, and the eponymous “West Wind” is described, metaphorically, as the “breath” of that being. In other words, the breath of autumn is the speaker’s way of describing the west wind.

What message does the poet convey in this poem Ode to the West Wind?

The poet wants the help of the west wind to spread his revolutionary message among mankind all over the world, so that a new society based on great ideals such as equality, liberty and fraternity can be created.

What is the poets prayer to the West Wind?

The speaker prays to the west wind to make him its lyre. A lyre is an ancient musical instrument, kind of like a small U-shaped harp. Shelley yearns for the west wind, his poetic faculty, to play him in order to create great poetry, just as the wind plays the lyre to make sweet music.

What season is being referred to in the poem the west wind?

Like the leaves of the trees in a forest, his leaves will fall and decay and will perhaps soon flourish again when the spring comes. That may be why he is looking forward to the spring and asks at the end of the last canto “If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?” (70).

What is the breath of autumn season?

In other words, the breath of autumn is the speaker’s way of describing the west wind. This wind blows the dead autumn leaves, and it also heralds “the dying year.” The west wind, or the breath of autumn, is thus a signal that winter is on its way.

What is the West wind compared to?

In this stanza of Ode to the West Wind, the speaker compares the wind to a “fierce Maenad” or the spiritual being that used to be found around the Greek God, Dionysus. Remember, this is the being that was also described as having hair like angels. Thus, the wind is described as a being like a god, with angels for hair.