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What does the word Striate mean?

What does the word Striate mean?

transitive verb. : to mark with striations or striae.

What does non striated mean?

Nonstriated muscle is defined as smooth, thin muscle that isn’t controlled voluntarily. An example of a nonstriated muscle is the bladder.

What is strangulated mean?

: strangle, constrict. intransitive verb. : to become constricted so as to stop circulation the hernia will strangulate.

What do striations tell us anatomy?

Striated muscle tissue is a muscle tissue that features repeating functional units called sarcomeres. The presence of sarcomeres manifests as a series of bands visible along the muscle fibers, which is responsible for the striated appearance observed in microscopic images of this tissue. Cardiac muscle (heart muscle)

How do you use visceral in a sentence?

Visceral Sentence Examples

  1. He had a visceral dislike of Europe.
  2. The advertising creates a visceral sensation of fear for which reason it also sells well.
  3. It created a visceral thrill that carries you along through the film’s two hours.
  4. It added the visceral punch it needed.

What does visceral mean in writing?

characterized by or proceeding from instinct rather than intellect: a visceral reaction. characterized by or dealing with coarse or base emotions; earthy; crude: a visceral literary style.

What does Mononucleated mean?

Definition. adjective. Having a single nucleus.

What is a striated object?

: muscle tissue that is marked by transverse dark and light bands, is made up of elongated usually multinucleated fibers, and includes skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle, and most muscle of arthropods — compare smooth muscle, voluntary muscle.

What is the meaning of the word striate?

verb (used with object), stri·at·ed, stri·at·ing. to mark with striae; furrow; stripe; streak.

What is the origin of the word stria?

stri·ate. transitive verb. -·at·ed, -·at·ing. to mark with striae; stripe, band, furrow, etc. Origin of striate. from Classical Latin striatus, grooved, furrowed, past participle of striare, to groove, channel from stria: see stria.

Which is an example of a striate stone?

Examples from the Web for striate Drupe ovoid or oblong, with a bony and grooved or striate 1-celled and 1-seeded stone. It has a watery appearance (hygrophanous), somewhat fleshy, smooth, striate on the margin. In young specimens there are stripes and bands of violaceous brown, and the shells are striate within the aperture.

What does it mean to mark something with striae?

To mark with striae or striations. Marked with striae; striped, grooved, or ridged. Consisting of a stria or striae. Marked with striae. To mark something with striations. Striated.