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What dream did the BFG catch first?

What dream did the BFG catch first?

First of all, he catches a real phizzwizard and is understandably excited, as it’s the best dream he’s ever caught—a golden one, no less. Then, a few moments later, he catches a particularly nasty trogglehumper. When the BFG catches such nightmares, he always locks them away in a jar so that they can’t harm anyone.

How will the BFG get just the right dream?

The BFG gets to work right away making the dream, using many different jars from his collection. Soon, they have a trogglehumper. Sophie climbs up on the BFG’s ear and they begin their journey. They have to find the Queen right away!

What did the BFG do with the bad dreams?

Both good and bad dreams live in dream country, the BFG often goes there to capture good dreams to blow into bedrooms with his dream pipe. The BFG however, dislikes bad dreams such as Trogglehumpers and Bogthumpers, he keeps them locked away so that they may never frighten children.

What happened in chapter 9 of the BFG?

The Bloodbottler tells the BFG that tonight he’s going to eat humans from Chile because they’re “chilly,” and he wants a cold treat. But a bunch of other giants are going to eat English schoolchildren for their inky flavor. Then he storms out of the cave. Sophie emerges and tells the BFG what happened.

How did the BFG respond when Sophie asked why no one can stop the Giants?

By Roald Dahl The Big Friendly Giant explains that he had to take her because she saw him. Sophie asks the BFG why he can’t stop them, but he explains that he’s a runt compared to them.

What did the BFG propose they do at the beginning of Chapter 11?

By Roald Dahl. The BFG decides to go catch some dreams. (You know, as would anyone.) He puts Sophie in his pocket and starts out.

How long do giants sleep for BFG?

By Roald Dahl Sophie and the BFG have a chat about sleep. The BFG says giants don’t need very much of it: they just catch a snooze for two to three hours per afternoon.

What does Sophie realize about humans?

The BFG goes to Dream Country and uses his net to catch dreams. Then he puts them into a jar. What horrible thing does Sophie realize about humans? Sophie realizes that humans are the only creature that kills one another.

Why did Bloodbottler eat human beans from Chile?

He says he is going to Chile because the people there are chilly/cool, and he’s tired of Eskimos. He likes eating cold human beans because the weather is hot. Where are the other Giants going tonight?

How did Sophie make the BFG cry?

Chapter 7: ”The Marvellous Ears” Sophie explains that her parents died when she was a baby and she lives in an orphanage. Hearing this, the BFG begins to cry. He uses a net to catch good dreams (which he can hear buzzing with his huge ears), stores them in jars, and then sends the dreams to sleeping children.

What happened Chapter 18 the BFG?

In Chapters 18-24, Sophie and the BFG meet the Queen at the Palace and successfully carry out their plan. They use quick thinking (and a brooch) to work with soldiers and capture the nine giants; the giants are brought back to England by helicopter, placed in a large pit forever, and fed only snozzcumbers.

How does the BFG catch the best dreams?

They have to be very still in order to catch the dreams, which are invisible and have to be captured in jars. The BFG catches one and is very excited, because it is the best dream he has ever caught – a golden one. Moments later, he catches one of the worst dreams he’s ever seen.

Why does the BFG take Sophie to Dream Country?

After indulging in frobscottle, Sophie and the BFG decide to go to Dream Country. However, they have to sneak past the other nine giants first. The BFG catches one and is very excited, because it is the best dream he has ever caught – a golden one. Moments later, he catches one of the worst dreams he’s ever seen. Why does the BFG take Sophie?

What happens in Chapter 11 of the BFG?

chapter 11: journey to dream country Once Sophie and The BFG’s Frobscottle party was over he started to tell Sophie what else he does when the other giants are guzzling up human beans. He goes to Dream Country where he catches dreams and blows them into little children’s bedrooms at night but only if they’re good dreams and not nightmares.

Where does the BFG go after Frobscottle party?

Once Sophie and The BFG’s Frobscottle party was over he started to tell Sophie what else he does when the other giants are guzzling up human beans. He goes to Dream Country where he catches dreams and blows them into little children’s bedrooms at night but only if they’re good dreams and not nightmares.