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What effect did the Boston Tea Party have on the colonies quizlet?

What effect did the Boston Tea Party have on the colonies quizlet?

The Tea Act (1773), passed by the British Parliament, withdrew duty on tea exported to the colonies. They thought that the tea would put all of the colonists out of buisness. The effect of the Boston Tea Party was that the British passed the Intolerable acts, which were very harsh and cruel to the people of Boston.

What happened to the colonists after the Boston Tea Party?

Boston Harbor was shut down. The Intolerable Acts outraged and unified the American colonists even more against British rule. The implication and impact of the Boston Tea Party was enormous ultimately leading to the sparking of the American Revolution which began in Massachusetts on April 19, 1775.

Why can the Boston Tea Party be considered a major turning point in the relationship between the colonies and the British government quizlet?

Turning point of the American Revolution. The colonists blamed the British and the Sons of Liberty and used this incident as an excuse to promote the Revolution. boston tea party. Boston patriots organized the Boston Tea Party to protest the 1773 Tea Act.

Why was the Boston Tea Party important quizlet?

The Boston Tea party was a major event in history because it led up to the revolutionary war. It showed rebellion and the want for independence. This event occurred on December 16, 1773, and it occurred because the colonists wanted to protest against the tea act, which rose the taxes of tea.

What was the effect after the Boston Tea Party?

As a result of the Boston Tea Party, the British shut down Boston Harbor until all of the 340 chests of British East India Company tea were paid for. This was implemented under the 1774 Intolerable Acts and known as the Boston Port Act.

How did the British react to the Boston Tea Party quizlet?

The British responded to the Boston Tea Party by shutting down Boston Harbor. Shortly after that, Parliament passed several intolerable acts. The colonists had ample space and ‘no heart’ city for Britain to take aim for. Unfortunately, the colonists only had crudely trained militia men and few supplies.