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What environmental factors will affect the growth of your seedlings?

What environmental factors will affect the growth of your seedlings?

Environmental factors that affect plant growth include light, temperature, water, humidity, and nutrition. It is important to understand how these factors affect plant growth and development.

What effect does light have on growing seedlings?

Significance. Light directly influences plant growth and flowering by inducing photosynthesis and feeding plants energy. Plants are dependent on light to generate food, induce the growing cycle and allow for healthy development.

Which color has the greatest effect on plant growth?

Red & blue light are most effective for plant growth, while yellow & green have minimal effect. UV light can damage plants, causing leaves to burn. Growers often use supplemental light to optimize plant growth.

What effect does shade have on plants?

Shade, not only influences the amount of light received by plants but also changes other small environmental conditions, such as air and ground temperature, humidity, carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations and so on, which are important for plant growth [14].

What Colour grow light for seedlings?

Blue light
Light Color Red light stimulates vegetative growth and flowering (but if a plant gets too much, it will become tall and spindly). Blue light regulates plant growth, which makes it ideal for growing foliage plants and short, stocky seedlings (but too much will result in stunted plants).

Why do plants grow faster in the shade?

Photosynthesis. Plants orient themselves toward light by growing faster on the shadier side. That’s right, when a plant leans toward the sun, it’s because most of the action happens in the shade. The cells on the shady side of the stems and leaves grow faster than those in the sun.

How does light affect the germination of seeds?

The explanation of how light affects some seeds and causes them to be in a state of readiness for germination and yet prevents other seeds if necessary from germinating is highly complex. Suffice it to say that it is mainly the light’s effect upon a plant pigment called phytochrome within the seed. This relates to the type

How are different colors of light affect plant growth?

In summer, there are more blue-green wavelengths, which help plants grow big. In the late summer and fall, when the sun is lower on the horizon in the evening, there are more orange-red wavelengths. These wavelengths help plants grow flowers and reproduce before its winter.

How does the environment affect the growth of plants?

In some cases, poor environmental conditions (e.g., too little water) damage a plant directly. In other cases, environmental stress weakens a plant and makes it more susceptible to disease or insect attack. Environmental factors that affect plant growth include light, temperature, water, humidity, and nutrition.

What kind of seedlings will germinate only in darkness?

Seeds which will only germinate in darkness should be sown at the correct depth and then covered in black plastic or similar to exclude all light until germination takes place. Cyclamen is a subject which should be treated in this way.