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What fish are safe with bettas?

What fish are safe with bettas?

​ Suitable tank mates may include, Pygmy Corydoras, female Guppies as they are not usually brightly colored, Ember Tetra, and Harlequin Rasboras. All these fish are calm and more importantly are not fin nippers. Snails are also another good option. Nerite snails, and Mystery snails both do well with Bettas.

What is the best fish to put in a tank with a betta?

Feeder Guppies Feeder guppies are bred for food for larger fish and don’t have the bright coloring or long fins like the fancy guppy. This makes them an ideal fish to live with a betta. Guppies are also content living on their own, so adding one as a tank mate is easier than schooling fish.

What fish can be kept with angelfish?

Suitable tank mates include larger tetras and rasboras, gouramis, peaceful barbs, rainbowfish, corydoras and other medium-sized catfish. Angelfish can also be kept with discus in larger aquariums, if the temperature is maintained above 82° F.

Can you mix any other fish with a betta?

Betta fish are naturally territorial and should not be housed with any other betta fish because they will fight and injure each other, often resulting in death.

What size tank do I need for 2 angelfish?

You will need a minimum of 20 gallons to keep a pair of Freshwater Angelfish. You will need at least 80 gallons to keep a small school. You will need at least 10 gallons for every Freshwater Angelfish in the tank.

Can you keep an angelfish and a Betta together?

Because of the variable temperaments of both fish, we do not recommend keeping betta fish and angelfish together in the same tank; there are some much better options in regards to tank mates for each species. What fish can live with bettas?

Is it OK to put a Betta in a tank?

While it’s usually best to keep your betta fish in a tank of its own, many hobbyists have had success introducing invertebrates and even other fish into their betta tank. It is important to note that we never suggest attempting a betta sorority as female bettas can be just as aggressive as male bettas.

What should the pH level be for a Betta and an angelfish?

When you’re housing bettas and angelfish together you should keep the tank’s pH level as close to 7 as possible. Your betta will thrive best at this pH level and your angelfish won’t mind either, they can live in a pH between 6 – 7.5

What kind of fish can live with an angelfish?

What fish can live with angelfish? 1 Corydoras. Because angelfish need a much larger tank than betta fish, you will have a lot more options for Corydoras sp.; it is best to choose a 2 Dwarf gouramis. 3 Rainbowfish. 4 Platies. 5 Rasboras.