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What fish can you keep with newts?

What fish can you keep with newts?

You can select slightly bigger fish than newts to keep them together. Small goldfish and adult guppies can be good examples of this. You must have known that newts are carnivorous. Hence, neither too small nor too big fish are compatible with newts.

Can newts and fish live together?

While newts can be kept with some fish, they must be species that are small, non-aggressive, and adaptable to cool water. The number of fish should also be low enough to allow the newts to compete easily for food, as they are much slower to feed than most fish.

Do fire belly newts need friends?

They do not need company.

Can guppies live with newts?

If They Can Catch ‘Em Newts are small but they’re fish-eating creatures who are skillful swimmers and will make a meal of your guppies if they catch them. In the wild a guppy may be able to out-swim a newt but in the confines of an aquarium a determined newt will win out in the end.

What do you feed Fire belly newts?

Food and Water Fire belly newts also eat earthworms (tip: chop them up first), brine shrimp, glass shrimp, daphnia, and freeze-dried Tubifex cubes. 2 You can also try floating amphibian sticks, but many newts refuse to eat them. Large newts—particularly larger Japanese newts—also sometimes dine on guppies.

Can you put newts with goldfish?

A goldfish will not directly harm a newt. The main danger posed by goldfish is the amount of waste they excrete. For one goldfish, the tank should be at least 10 gallons. I would recommend testing for ammonia often during the first month, and testing for ammonia and nitrate at least monthly thereafter.

Can newts harm fish?

Rough-skinned newts (Taricha granulosa) are generalist predators, however they tend not to eat a lot of fish. Adults feed mostly on soft-bodied, slow-moving prey. If this is a regular breeding pond, then you will always have the newts. But since fish are rarely eaten, I would not worry.

How many fire-bellied newts in a 10 gallon?

One 10 gallon tank can house from one to four newts; for five to ten newts, go with the 20 gallon tank.

Can you have newts and fish in the same pond?

Can they live together harmoniously? If not, I’d rather not introduce the fish at all as I enjoy the newts. If you do introduce fish they will more than likely try to eat the tadpoles and even small newts so if you want to keep it as a wildlife pond it would be best not to introduce fish.