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What future trends do you expect to see in 10 years?

What future trends do you expect to see in 10 years?

1.1 Wearable devices.

  • 1.2 Internet of Things.
  • 1.3 Big Data and Machine Learning.
  • 1.4 Cryptocurrency.
  • 1.5 Driverless cars.
  • 1.6 3D printing.
  • 1.7 Virtual reality.
  • 1.8 Genomics.
  • What other technological advancements are developed in the future?

    Future Inventions That Could Exist By 2050

    • AI-enabled robots in Future Technology.
    • Future Technology Enables Seamless IoT in home and business.
    • Space tourism with the help of Future Technology.
    • Self-driving cars because of Future Technology.
    • Future of New sources of energy.
    • Drone ecosystem.
    • Virtual Reality.

    How does technology affect us positively?

    Technology seen as positive, especially for quickly and easily sharing information. Other ways technology is seen to have a positive effect on society include increased knowledge and understanding, improvements in industry and jobs and an interconnectedness of the world as a result of globalization.

    Why is technology important in the future?

    Technology shapes the future and it can help to make it compatible with nature. It can help us to develop clean energy, transport possibilities with less emissions and low-energy houses to save resources.

    When do people start writing their life stories?

    People aren’t writing their life stories from birth, though. The ability to create a life narrative takes a little while to come online—the development process gives priority to things like walking, talking, and object permanence.

    What did people think would happen in 100 years?

    In 100 years, there will be flying taxis and people will travel to the moon routinely. Knowledge will be instilled into students through wires attached to their heads. These may sound like the predictions of modern-day futurists, but they’re how people a century ago saw the future–otherwise known to you and me as the present.

    Why do we make stories out of life?

    Ultimately, the only material we’ve ever had to make stories out of is our own imagination, and life itself. Storytelling, then—fictional or nonfictional, realistic or embellished with dragons—is a way of making sense of the world around us. “Stories don’t have to be really simple, like fairy tales. They can be complicated.

    What makes up a person’s life story?

    In the realm of narrative psychology, a person’s life story is not a Wikipedia biography of the facts and events of a life, but rather the way a person integrates those facts and events internally—picks them apart and weaves them back together to make meaning. This narrative becomes a form of identity,…