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What grid system does the military use?

What grid system does the military use?

The Military Grid Reference System (MGRS) is the geocoordinate standard used by NATO militaries for locating points on Earth. The MGRS is derived from the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) grid system and the Universal Polar Stereographic (UPS) grid system, but uses a different labeling convention.

What lines are part of the grid system on a map?

The horizontal lines are called lines of latitude and the vertical lines are called lines of longitude. Latitude lines run parallel to each other from East to West with the Equator running along the center of the Earth.

How does grid reference system work?

A grid of squares helps the map-reader to locate a place. The vertical lines are called eastings. They are numbered – the numbers increase to the east. The horizontal lines are called northings as the numbers increase in an northerly direction.

How do you use a military grid reference?

Look at the top of your map at the easting numbers, and move right until you find the 30 grid line. Look at the side of your map at the northing number and move up until you find the 95 grid line. Follow the lines to where they intersect. That is the bottom left corner of the grid square that we’ll be working with.

How does a military grid work?

The map has grid lines spaced every kilometer or 1000 meters. When using MGRS or USNG the small type numbers to the left of the larger type numbers are replaced by the 100,000m Square ID. The vertical grid lines determine East-West position and the horizontal grid lines determine North-South position.

What is the difference between 4 and 6 figure grid references?

four-figure grid reference, such as ’19 45′, indicates a 1 km by 1 km square on the map; and. six-figure grid reference, such as ‘192 454’, indicates a 100 m by 100 m square on the map.

Why are grid lines important in a map?

Grid lines are handy for lots of reasons. They provide a local indication of direction, which is usually more accurate than a single north arrow, they provide a convenient means of visual tracking along shared ordinates, and they can help make your map look super sweet.

Where does the military grid reference system come from?

Military Grid Reference System. The MGRS is derived from the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) grid system and the universal polar stereographic (UPS) grid system, but uses a different labeling convention. The MGRS is used for the entire earth.

How are military grids chosen for map scale?

2-6.1 Military grids consist of parallel lines intersecting at right angles and forming a regular series of squares. The north-south lines are called eastings and the east-west lines northings. Each grid line is one of an even-interval selection of measurement units. The interval is selected in accordance with the map scale.

How big is the military grid in NTS?

Many National Topographic System (NTS) map sheets have been produced with the wrong two letter MGRS designators. Our NTS sheets show the Military Grid Reference System, commonly known as the 100 000-metre square identification grid.

Where does the MGRS grid system come from?

The MGRS is derived from the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) grid system and the Universal Polar Stereographic (UPS) grid system, but uses a different labeling convention.