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What happened to Aldrich Ames wife?

What happened to Aldrich Ames wife?

CONVICTED SPY’S WIFE SENTENCED TO 63 MONTHS FOR ASSISTING HIM. Rosario Ames, wife of CIA turncoat Aldrich Ames, was sentenced Friday to five years and three months in federal prison for her part in her husband’s $2 million, nine-year career selling U.S. secrets to Soviet and Russian espionage agencies.

Who was convicted of giving US atomic secrets to the Soviet Union?

Julius and Ethel Rosenberg
In one of the most sensational trials in American history, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg are convicted of espionage for their role in passing atomic secrets to the Soviets during and after World War II. The husband and wife were later sentenced to death and were executed in 1953.

Who stole nuclear secrets from the US?

The most influential of the atomic spies was Klaus Fuchs. Fuchs, a German-born British physicist, went to the United States to work on the atomic project and became one of its lead scientists. Fuchs had become a member of the Communist Party in 1932 while still a student in Germany.

What was the punishment for the Rosenbergs who were convicted of?

Immediate Aftermath. On March 29, 1951, the court convicted Julius and Ethel Rosenberg of conspiracy to commit espionage. On April 5, Judge Kaufman sentenced them to death, and sentenced Sobell to 30 years in prison.

What happened to David Greenglass?

David Greenglass died on July 1, 2014. He was predeceased by his wife, Ruth, who died on April 7, 2008. His death was not publicly announced by his family and was only discovered on October 14, 2014, when The New York Times called the nursing home where he had been living under an assumed name.

Who is the best spy agency in the world?

Best Intelligence Agencies in the World

  • Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS)
  • Directorate-General for External Security (DGSE)
  • Research and Analysis Wing (RAW)
  • Federal Intelligence Service (BND)
  • Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
  • Secret Intelligence Service (SIS)
  • Mossad.