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What happens if you have a low potassium level?

What happens if you have a low potassium level?

In hypokalemia, the level of potassium in blood is too low. A low potassium level has many causes but usually results from vomiting, diarrhea, adrenal gland disorders, or use of diuretics. A low potassium level can make muscles feel weak, cramp, twitch, or even become paralyzed, and abnormal heart rhythms may develop.

Can you live without potassium?

A person cannot live without potassium. Potassium helps carry electrical signals to cells in your body and is essential to ensure our nerve and muscles cells, particularly heart muscle cells, are functioning properly.

How many bananas do you have to eat to get enough potassium?

Adults should consume about 3,500mg of potassium per day, according to the UK’s National Health Service. The average banana, weighing 125g, contains 450mg of potassium, meaning a healthy person can consume at least seven-and-half bananas before reaching the recommended level.

Why is a high level of potassium dangerous to the body?

The most dangerous problem with high potassium is its potential to cause the heart to stop. Potassium causes changes in the electrical impulses in the heart muscles, which result in abnormal heart rhythms, cardiac arrhythmia or heart palpitations. If hyperkalemia is left untreated, the heart will stop as its electrical activity is suppressed.

Why is potassium so important for our health?

Potassium is one of the most important minerals in the body. It helps regulate fluid balance, muscle contractions and nerve signals . What’s more, a high-potassium diet may help reduce blood pressure and water retention, protect against stroke and prevent osteoporosis and kidney stones.

What are the warning signs of low potassium?

Identifying the Signs. Watch for early warning signs. The first signs of moderately low potassium can be muscle aches, cramps and abnormal weakness ((including respiratory and gastrointestinal muscle weakness if severe).

What are the signs of potassium deficiency?

However, severe deficiencies can be life-threatening. Signs of a potassium deficiency include: extreme fatigue. muscle spasms, weakness, or cramping. irregular heartbeat. constipation, nausea, or vomiting.