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What happens to a star when it collapses?

What happens to a star when it collapses?

The star collapses by its own gravity and the iron core heats up. The core becomes so tightly packed that protons and electrons merge to form neutrons. The remains of the core can form a neutron star or a black hole depending upon the mass of the original star.

At what mass does a star collapse?

2 to 3 solar masses
In general, stars with final masses in the range 2 to 3 solar masses are believed to ultimately collapse to a black hole.

When a star collapses it is called a?

In one of the most spectacular events in the Universe, the shock propels the material away from the star in a tremendous explosion called a supernova. If the left-over core is about 1.4 to 5 times the mass of our Sun, it will collapse into a neutron star. If the core is larger, it will collapse into a black hole.

Why does a star mass decrease over time?

The larger its mass, the shorter its life cycle. A star’s mass is determined by the amount of matter that is available in its nebula, the giant cloud of gas and dust from which it was born. Over time, the hydrogen gas in the nebula is pulled together by gravity and it begins to spin.

How does a star collapse into a black hole?

When the cores collapse to form dense stellar objects called neutron stars, they blast off the outer layers of the star in a supernova. When the core collapses, the blast wave slams into the dense material above, which thwarts the explosion. Instead of creating a supernova, the star implodes, forming a black hole.

How quickly does a star collapse?

A few million years for the star to die, less than a quarter of a second for its core to collapse, a few hours for the shockwave to reach the surface of the star, a few months to brighten, and then just few years to fade away.

Why does a collapsing star tend to get hotter as it shrinks?

HEATING: The temperature of the solar nebula increases as it collapses. As the cloud shrinks, its gravitational potential energy is converted to the kinetic energy of individual gas particles falling inward. These particles crash into one another, converting their kinetic energy into thermal energy.

Why does energy of a star decrease?

The virial theorem is one of the most important theorems for understanding the structure and evolution of stars. The Virial Theorem as a Driving Force of Stellar Evolution In phases where there is no nuclear burning, the total energy of a star necessarily decreases because energy is radiatated away from the surface.

How does the mass of a star affect its life?

The more mass a star starts out with, the brighter and hotter it will be. For a star, everything depends on its mass. Throughout their lives, stars fight the inward pull of the force of gravity.

What happens to light if it has zero mass?

You are right that according to Newton’s gravity, the force of gravity on particle that has 0 mass would be zero, and so gravity should not affect light. In fact, according to Newton’s gravity Black holes should not exist: no matter how strong gravity is, light would always be able to escape!

Is there another force in the black hole or does light have mass?

Is there another force in the black hole or does light has mass? This is a great question! You are right that according to Newton’s gravity, the force of gravity on particle that has 0 mass would be zero, and so gravity should not affect light.

Why are the outer layers of a star not attracted to the core?

A) Helium fusion in a shell outside the core generates enough thermal pressure to push the upper layers outward. B) The outer layers of the star are no longer gravitationally attracted to the core.