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What happens when you burn hydrogen gas?

What happens when you burn hydrogen gas?

In a flame of pure hydrogen gas, burning in air, the hydrogen (H2) reacts with oxygen (O2) to form water (H2O) and releases energy. If carried out in atmospheric air instead of pure oxygen, as is usually the case, hydrogen combustion may yield small amounts of nitrogen oxides, along with the water vapor.

What happens when petroleum burns?

When petroleum products such as gasoline are burned for energy, they release toxic gases and high amounts of carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas. Carbon helps regulate the Earth’s atmospheric temperature, and adding to the natural balance by burning fossil fuels adversely affects our climate.

What is produced when burning gas?

The vapors given off when gasoline evaporates and the substances produced when gasoline is burned (carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, particulate matter, and unburned hydrocarbons) contribute to air pollution. Burning gasoline also produces carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas.

Why hydrogen is not a good fuel?

Because it has such a low energy density, hydrogen needs to be stored and transported under high pressure — which makes it bulky and impractical. The pressure issue compounds another issue with hydrogen energy; like gasoline, hydrogen is highly flammable, but unlike gas, it has no smell.

What happens when H2 and O2 react?

When molecular hydrogen (H2) and oxygen (O2) are combined and allowed to react together, energy is released and the molecules of hydrogen and oxygen can combine to form either water or hydrogen peroxide. In this oxidation, a molecule of hydrogen gas is ionized to two electrons and two protons.

What happens when burning candle is brought near hydrogen gas?

The process is called combustion when any substance burns in the presence of oxygen. Here for a candle to burn, the hot gas reacts with oxygen and we see the flame. When a candle is brought near the mouth of the jar containing hydrogen, it will react with the oxygen in the air and it will burn.

What happens if you burn gas energy?

Gasoline (or any petroleum fuel) is mostly carbon that when burned releases energy in the form of heat. This heat energy makes the engine run and allows it to do work. The bad part of this process is that the carbon when burned is converted into Carbon Dioxide (CO2).

What happens gasoline?

In general, pure gas begins to degrade and lose its combustibility as a result of oxidation and evaporation in three to six months, if stored in a sealed and labeled metal or plastic container. Ethanol-gasoline blends have a shorter shelf life of two to three months.

What happens when natural gas is burned?

When natural gas is burned properly, by-products of combustion are primarily carbon dioxide and water vapor. Because methane contains only one carbon atom, natural gas produces less carbon dioxide than any other fossil fuel, and fewer other pollutants as well.

Why does Elon Musk not like hydrogen?

But Musk’s beef with hydrogen is that while it has the highest energy mass of any fuel, its density is so low that the pressure needed to store it, combined with adding fuel cell technology to create electricity, adds way too much complexity.

What’s the problem with hydrogen?

Also, hydrogen gas is nontoxic. Yet hydrogen has its own major safety issues. It is highly flammable, with an ignition energy that is 20 times smaller than that of natural gas or gasoline. It can be ignited by cell phones or by electrical storms located miles away.