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What if we run out of Social Security numbers?

What if we run out of Social Security numbers?

Will the SSA ever run out of SSNs? The nine-digit SSN will eventually be exhausted. The SSA eliminated the geographical significance of the first three digits of the SSN, referred to as the area number, by no longer allocating the area numbers for assignment to individuals in specific states.

How many Social Security numbers can there possibly be?

Social Security Numbers are 9 digits long and usually formatted with two hyphens like “###-##-####.” With 9 digits there are theoretically 1 billion combinations.

Are all SSN numbers 9 digits?

The nine-digit SSN is composed of three parts: The first set of three digits is called the Area Number. The second set of two digits is called the Group Number. The final set of four digits is the Serial Number.

Can a social security number start with a 9?

SSA will not issue SSNs beginning with the number “9”. SSA will not issue SSNs with the number “00” in positions 4 – 5. • SSA will not issue SSNs with the number “0000” in positions 6 – 9.

Do they reuse dead people’s Social Security numbers?

A: No. We do not reassign a Social Security number (SSN) after the number holder’s death.

Can a social security number start with 3?

On June 25, 2011, Social Security changed the SSN assignment process. Since 1973, social security numbers have been issued by our central office. The first three (3) digits of a person’s social security number are determined by the ZIP Code of the mailing address shown on the application for a social security number.

What do first 3 numbers of SSN mean?

Area numbers
Area numbers – The first three numbers originally represented the state in which a person first applied for a Social Security card. Since 1972, the SSA has assigned numbers and issued cards based on the ZIP code in the mailing address provided on the original application form.

How are the first 3 digits of your Social Security number determined?

The first three (3) digits of a person’s social security number are determined by the ZIP Code of the mailing address shown on the application for a social security number. The number merely established that his/her card was issued by one of our offices in that State.

What is the lowest social security number?

We do know who received the Social Security card with the lowest number, card 001-01-0001.