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What impending crisis do the duke and his senators face?

What impending crisis do the duke and his senators face?

LD Othello Act 1 Review

Question Answer
What impending crisis do the Duke and his senators face at the beginning of Act I, Scene III? The turks are going to attack Cyprus
What assurances does Othello offer the Council that he will take care of business, even if his wife is with him? That he will rule over the city.

What do the duke and the Senators think about the news that the Turkish fleet is headed to Rhodes?

He believes that the Turks aren’t going to Rhodes and that’s just to divert their attention. He says that Cyprus is more important to the Turks and it’s easier to capture then Rhodes. You just studied 12 terms!

What is the military issue that the Duke of Venice?

In Venice, the Duke and his senators are concerned that the Turks have sent a fleet to invade the strategic island of Cyprus. Mistakenly, the Duke thinks Brabantio and Othello have arrived to discuss the military situation but instead Brabantio accuses Othello of abducting his daughter.

How does Othello defend himself to the Duke?

Othello defends himself against Brabantio’s accusation by personal statement and by calling Desdemona to testify. This strategy saves him from the false condemnation.

Why is Othello respected by the Duke and Senator?

Who is Othello, and why is he so respected by the Duke? Othello is the war general-honored and respected hero. also he is desdemona’s husband. That desdemona betrayed her father and she can easily betray othello.

What is the news that the Duke and senators are discussing?

Synopsis: The duke and the senators discuss the movements of the Turkish fleet and conclude that its target is, indeed, Cyprus. When Brabantio and Othello arrive, the duke insists on evidence to support the old man’s charge that Othello has bewitched Desdemona. At Othello’s suggestion, the duke sends for Desdemona.

What does the Duke mean when he tells Brabantio your son in law is far more fair than black?

What does the Duke mean when he says “If virtue no delighted beauty lack,/ Your son-in-law is far more fair than black.” The Duke means that, if virtue was physical and influenced outer beauty, Othello would be white because of his morals and good nature.

Why does the Duke send for Othello How does the Duke resolve the dispute between Brabantio and Othello?

Why did the Duke send for Othello? He wanted to know which soldiers to promote. He wanted to send Othello to Cyprus to fight. He says he thinks Othello would win his daughter under the same circumstances, and tells Barbantio to make his best of the situation.

What is the Duke’s reaction when he realizes Brabantio has arrived?

As everyone is parting, the Duke tries to cheer Brabantio, saying Othello is “more fair than black.” Brabantio won’t have any of it, and warns Othello that he should watch the girl: she’s likely to deceive him the way she deceived her own father.

What does the Duke represent in Othello?

Duke of Venice The official authority in Venice, the duke has great respect for Othello as a public and military servant. His primary role within the play is to reconcile Othello and Brabanzio in Act I, scene iii, and then to send Othello to Cyprus.

Why does the Duke defend Othello?

The Duke promises to help Brabantio prosecute the man who has seduced Desdemona, but when he learns that the accused man is Othello he gives Othello a chance to defend himself. These stories, Othello says, won Desdemona’s love. The Duke comments that he thinks his own daughter might be won over by Othello’s story.

What happens in Act 1 Scene 3 of Othello?

Othello Act 1, scene 3 Summary & Analysis. Desdemona responds that just as her own mother once had to shift her obedience from her own father to Brabantio, so must she shift her obedience from Brabantio to Othello. At this, Brabantio grudgingly gives up his grievance against Othello, and allows the meeting to turn back to affairs of state.

Why is the Duke skeptical of Othello’s innocence?

The duke is initially eager to take Brabanzio’s side, but he becomes more skeptical when he learns that Othello is the man accused. The duke gives Othello the chance to speak for himself.

Why does Othello want to go to Cyprus?

As discussion turns back to fighting off the Turks, the Duke says that Othello must go to Cyprus to lead its defense. Though the Duke at first suggests that Desdemona stay in Venice with her father, Brabantio, Othello, and Desdemona all object, and the Duke says that she may go with Othello.

What happens to Desdemona at the end of Othello?

The duke suggests that she stay with her father, but neither Desdemona nor Brabanzio nor Othello will accept this, and Desdemona asks to be allowed to go with Othello. The couple then leaves to prepare for the night’s voyage. The stage is cleared, leaving only Roderigo and Iago.