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What is 1364 rounded to the nearest hundred?

What is 1364 rounded to the nearest hundred?

Since the tens digit 6 is > 5, we add 1 to 3 and get 1364 rounded to nearest hundred as 1400.

What is round off to the nearest hundred?

d. When rounding to the nearest hundred, look at the TENS DIGIT of the number. If that digit is 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4, you will round down to the previous hundred. If that digit is 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9, you will round up to the next hundred.

What is 817 to the nearest 100?

The reason for this is because 817 is closer to 800 than it is to 900. Also, rounding to 800 is basically rounding the number to the nearest hundred.

What is the nearest hundred of 214?

200 will be the answer .

How to round a number to the nearest hundred?

Rounding to the nearest hundred 1 You need to start by rounding the number to tenth. The number on the extreme right is 6. According to the regulations of… 2 Once you have rounded off the number to tenth, initiate the process to round it off to a hundred. In the number, 5780,… More

Is the number 5776 greater than 5 in rounding?

According to the regulations of rounding, it is greater than 5. The number on the left of 6 is 7 so 1 would be added to it. Hence, the number 5776 would become 5780. Once you have rounded off the number to tenth, initiate the process to round it off to the nearest hundred.

What happens when you round a number to the nearest integer?

Rounding a number involves replacing the number with an approximation of the number that results in a shorter, simpler, or more explicit representation of said number based on specific rounding definitions. For example, if rounding the number 2.7 to the nearest integer, 2.7 would be rounded to 3.

Which is an example of rounding up a number?

The rounding up of numbers means if a number is given in the decimal form and followed by the numbers 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 after the decimal point, then round the numbers up to the nearest whole number greater than the given one. For example, 14.682 = 15 (rounded up). What is called rounding down of numbers?