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What is a better word for processing?

What is a better word for processing?

Processing Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for processing?

refinement purification
cleansing filtering
clarification distillation
rarefaction rectification
refining clarifying

What do we call process?

1. Process, procedure, proceeding apply to something that goes on or takes place.

What is the synonym of process?

Synonyms & Antonyms of process

  • course,
  • operation,
  • procedure,
  • proceeding.

What is a process example?

The definition of a process is the actions happening while something is happening or being done. An example of process is the steps taken by someone to clean a kitchen. An example of process is a collection of action items to be decided on by government committees.

What can I use instead of a process?

What is another name for processed data?

What is another word for data processing?

data storage DP
electronic data processing information processing

What is another word for processed?

Synonyms & Near Synonyms for processed. prepared, refined, treated.

What you mean by process?

A process is a series of actions which are carried out in order to achieve a particular result. A process is a series of things which happen naturally and result in a biological or chemical change.

What is the antonym of process?

Antonyms for process include disorganization, disorganisation, chaos, confusion, disarray, disorder, topsy-turviness, unruliness, disarrangement and lawlessness. Find

What is a synonym for in the process?

march, process(verb) march in a procession. “They processed into the dining room”. Synonyms: serve, demonstrate, abut, litigate, march, work on, edge, butt against, work, parade, border, action, butt, treat, adjoin, exhibit, sue, swear out, butt on.

What is another word for “in process”?

process (n.) Synonyms: course,progress

  • process (n.) Synonyms: operation,procedure,proceeding,action,performance,step,transaction,measure,conduct,management,series of measures,mode of operation
  • process (n.) Synonyms: ( Law.) suit,trial,action,case
  • process (n.) Synonyms: ( Anat.) projection,protuberance
  • What is a synonym for procedure?

    “the procedure of obtaining a driver’s license”; “it was a process of trial and error”. Synonyms: process, unconscious process, cognitive operation, cognitive process, operation, function, subprogram, mental process, physical process, subroutine, outgrowth, appendage, summons, routine.