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What is a Class B Internet address?

What is a Class B Internet address?

Class B IP addresses are used for medium and large-sized networks in enterprises and organizations. They support up to 65,000 hosts on 16,000 individual networks. Class C addresses are most common and used in small business and home networks.

What is the range of Class B addresses?

Designing Your IP Addressing Scheme

Class Range Network Address
A 0-127 xxx
B 128-191 xxx . xxx
C 192-223 xxx . xxx . xxx

How many bits must be borrowed to support the required number of subnets?

This means that to create at least 18 subnets, 5 host bits must be borrowed. To calculate the number of possible hosts per subnet, use the formula 2h – 2, where h equals the number of host bits. The reason two addresses must be subtracted is because of the network address and the broadcast address.

How many bits must be left for host addresses?

This result still leaves 14 bits available for host addresses. Because all 0s and 1s are reserved, at least 2 bits must be reserved for the host number.

How many subnets are in a 24?

Subnet Cheat Sheet – 24 Subnet Mask, 30, 26, 27, 29, and other IP Address CIDR Network References

CIDR Subnet mask # of usable IP addresses
/24 254
/23 510
/22 1,022
/21 2,046

What is the class B private IP address space?

Class B: 172.16. 0.0 to 172.31. 255.255.

Which of the following is an example of a Class B IP address?

Class B Network The first 16 bits (known as two octets) help you identify the network. The other remaining 16 bits indicate the host within the network. An example of Class B IP address is 168.212. 226.204, where *168 212* identifies the network and *226.204* helps you identify the Hut network host.

Is a Class B IP address private?

Reservation of IP addresses in Class B networks An important IP address reservation in Class B IPv4 addresses is private networks, from 172.16. Networks belongs to “Class B” from 172.16. 0.0 to 172.31. 0.0 are reserved for private use and can be used inside any organization.

What is class B private address?

How many bits must be borrowed from the host part of an address if we have five networks?

Because there are 5 host bits in the subnetted 192.168. 20.224/27 address space, 3 more bits can be borrowed, leaving 2 bits in the host portion.

What is the usable number of host IP addresses on a network that has a 26 mask?

A /26 mask is the same as 255.255. 255.192. The mask leaves 6 host bits. With 6 host bits, 64 IP addresses are possible.

How many bits does a Class B network address have?

In my last Daily Drill Down, we borrowed bits from the host portion of a Class C network address. Class C network addresses only have eight bits to manipulate into subnets. However, a Class B has 16 bits to play with. This will allow more subnets with more hosts per subnet than a Class C network ever could.

How many bits can be borrowed from host?

In this example: , we need to calculate 14 Networks, means we should have at least 4 Bits (All Ones) borrowed from the Host which means (N = 4) to provide the total Number of Networks. So , 2 = 16 ( 4 is the least number of bits can be borrowed to accomdate 14 Networks .

Which is the least number of bits that can be borrowed?

So , 2 = 16 ( 4 is the least number of bits can be borrowed to accomdate 14 Networks . So, we borrowed (N) which is 4 bit (All ones) from the host portion as we calculated it earlier.

Where do the borrowed bits go in subnet mask?

The borrowed bits are the host bits in the default subnet mask that are used for network in the custom subnet mask. The first four (4) bits go from host to network, they are borrowed bits.