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What is a fun fact about America?

What is a fun fact about America?

The United States of America, the land of the free consists of 50 states. Over 328 million people reside in America making it the third most populous country in the world. The US is also the fourth largest country in the world by total area.

What are some great things about America?

Best Things About the United States of America

  • Diverse Landscapes. As I mentioned above, I love how many different landscapes there are in the United States.
  • Diverse Cultures.
  • American Hash Browns.
  • Mountain Towns.
  • Incredible Cities.
  • Road Trips.
  • Super-Fast Internet.
  • Fun Festivals and Events.

What things are truly American?

20 Things About America That Are Truly American

  • Price tags. America is known for its confusing pricing system.
  • Different cultural foods.
  • Patriotism.
  • Icing everything (drinks)
  • Spray-cheese.
  • Students aren’t competitive but rather work together.
  • 7. “
  • Amount of food and pricing on “bulk” items.

What is America known for?

It is by far the most famous country in the world. But what makes America so famous? Attractions such as the Grand Canyon and Mount Rushmore naturally come to mind, as are its lasting imprints on global culture, such as Hollywood, music, sports, historical personalities, tech innovation, and more.

What you dont know about America?

21 incredible things you may not know about America even if you are an American

  • There’s enough concrete in Hoover Dam to stretch across the country.
  • The US has the world’s longest land border.
  • Liberty Bell has a typo on it.
  • The US has a lot of different climates.
  • You don’t need a driver’s licence to race in NASCAR.

What do most Americans know about the world?

Many Americans know remarkably little about the world beyond their borders. Now you might say this isn’t new. But here’s what is new. Knowledge of the world seems to be deteriorating in America, abetted by a president—ignorant of the world himself—whose formula for political success depends on more people becoming less informed.

What are the percentages of Americans who know little about history?

The Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation surveyed 41,000 Americans in all 50 states and Washington, DC, the organization said Friday. Most disturbingly, the results show that only 27 percent of those under the age of 45 across the country demonstrate a basic knowledge of American history. And only four in 10 Americans passed the exam.

What are some interesting facts about President Washington?

Although he did rely on dentures due to losing his teeth early in life, forensic research has proved that his teeth were made from a combination of donkey, horse, and human teeth one of 11 surprising facts about President Washington you didn’t learn in history class. Amelia Earhart has seized the hearts and imagination of the country for decades.

How much trash does the United States of America throw out a day?

When you take into account America’s population, that means that around 1.4 billion pounds of trash gets thrown out in the United States every. Single. Day. This makes a nation of some of the most wasteful people on the entire planet. Moo -ve aside, humans.