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What is a large crack that forms where a glacier picks up speed or flows over a high point?

What is a large crack that forms where a glacier picks up speed or flows over a high point?

Glaciers Quiz – (copy)

iceberg large pieces of ice formed by calving
crevasse a large crack in the ice that forms where the ice picks up speed or flows over a high point
glacial drift all material carried and deposited by glaciers
valley glacer form in valleys by stream erosion, flow downward

What is the name of large rocks transported from a distant source by a glacier?

Large rocks that a glacier transports from a distant source are called erratics. Because a glacier carries an erratic a long distance, the composition of an erratic usually differs from that of the bed- rock over which the erratic lies.

What is the name for depressions in the sand that can be hundreds of meters wide and many meters deep?

Sometimes, a slot canyon can be less than a meter (3 feet) wide, but hundreds of meters deep. Slot canyons can be dangerous. Their sides are usually very smooth and difficult to climb. Some canyons with hard, underlying rock may develop cliffs and ledges after their softer, surface rock erodes.

When a sea cliff erodes if forms a large hole called a?

sea cave, cave formed in a cliff by wave action of an ocean or lake. Sea caves occur on almost every cliffed headland or coast where the waves break directly on a rock cliff and are formed by mechanical erosion rather than the chemical solution process that is responsible for the majority of inland caves.

How do glaciers form mountains?

Cirques are created when glaciers erode the mountainside, scouring into it and creating rounded hollows with steep uphill faces, shaped like tilted bowls. Horns are created when several cirque glaciers erode a mountain until all that is left is a steep, pointed peak with sharp, ridge-like arêtes leading up to the top.

What is it called when a melting glacier deposit unsorted materials?

moraines. ridges that show where the glacier stopped. formed when a glacier pushes mounds of till (glacial sediment of mixed sizes);An irregular pile of unsorted till deposited by moving ice, usually beside or at the end of a glacier. Only $47.88/year. unlike till, outwash deposits.

Where does sand accumulate during heavy wave activity?

Offshore sand bars
During heavy wave activity, sand will accumulate in B) Offshore sand bars. When a shoreline is dominated by waves, the sand of the shores and ocean…

What is a large hole in weak rock near a sea cliff called?

what is a large hole in weak rock near a sea cliff called. a sea cave.

Where do glaciers form Where do glaciers form quizlet?

Where and how do glaciers form? Glaciers form in places where more snow falls than melts or sublimates. As the layers of snow pile up, the weight on the underlying snow increases. Eventually, this weight packs the snow so tightly that glacial ice is formed.