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What is a laryngoscope used for?

What is a laryngoscope used for?

Laryngoscopy is a procedure a doctor uses to look at the larynx (voice box), including the vocal cords, as well as nearby structures like the back of the throat.

What is Nasopharyngolaryngoscopy?

nasopharyngolaryngoscopy, diagnostic medical procedure that uses a flexible fibre-optic endoscope to visualize the structures inside the nasal passages, including the sinus openings, the larynx, and the vocal cords. The type of endoscope used for this procedure is called a nasopharyngolaryngoscope.

What can a nasal endoscopy detect?

The endoscopy can show specific details, such as the site of bleeding and swelling of nasal tissue. It can also be used to look at a growth that might be cancer. In some cases, a nasal endoscopy can be used as a treatment. For example, it may be done on a child to remove a foreign object from his or her nose.

What is the difference between laryngoscopy and endoscopy?

In particular, a laryngoscopy is an endoscopy that allows visualization of the larynx and pharynx, which are parts of the throat. A laryngoscopy may be combined with a biopsy in order to obtain a definitive diagnosis of a suspicious growth in the throat.

What is Rhinoscopy procedure?

Rhinoscopy is a method of looking into the nose and throat. While there are other methods of looking into the nose, these methods only allow the doctor to see about an inch inside the nasal cavity. A rhinoscopy allows the doctor to see almost all of the inside of the nose, throat, adenoids, and vocal chords.

How do you perform a Nasopharyngoscopy?


  1. The doctor will spray a local anesthetic (usually a mixture of Afrin™ and lidocaine) to numb your nasal cavity.
  2. The scope will then be inserted through your nose and advanced slowly down the back of your throat.
  3. The scope will be removed and you should not feel any further discomfort.

Can a nasal endoscopy detect acid reflux?

Transnasal esophagoscopy (TNE) is a minimally invasive outpatient procedure that utilizes an ultra thin endoscope inserted through the nasal passages to examine the esophagus and evaluate patients experiencing acid reflux, dysphagia, chronic cough and globus sensation (the feeling of a lump in the throat).

Can a nasal endoscopy see the esophagus?

A Trans-Nasal endoscopy is a procedure where a flexible tube is passed down through the nose then down over the back of the tongue to examine the gullet / swallowing tube (Oesophagus), Stomach and part of the Duodenum (see figure 1). It is about as thick as your little finger.

Which is better endoscopy or CT scan?

Both procedures are relatively safe; CT does expose you to radiation (at a safe level) and if IV contrast dye is used to enhance CT images, some people may be allergic or have the possibility of kidney damage while endoscopy has the risk of bowel perforation and allergic reaction to anesthesia drugs.

Who performs laryngoscopy?

Ear, nose, and throat specialists (also called ENT doctors or otolaryngologists) do laryngoscopies. They can do: an indirect laryngoscopy: The doctor uses a small mirror and a light to examine the larynx and vocal cords.

When do you need a nasopharyngolaryngoscopy ( NPL ) for nasal problems?

You may require a Nasopharyngolaryngoscopy (NPL) for nasal, throat or voice problems. The NPL is a narrow scope, with a special fibre optic lens on the end which is attached to a monitor or camera. The doctor will use it to view your nasal cavity, throat and voice box in order to try to identify any problems.

What kind of endoscope is used for nasopharyngolaryngoscopy?

Nasopharyngolaryngoscopy. Nasopharyngolaryngoscopy, diagnostic medical procedure that uses a flexible fibre-optic endoscope to visualize the structures inside the nasal passages, including the sinus openings, the larynx, and the vocal cords. The type of endoscope used for this procedure is called a nasopharyngolaryngoscope.

Can a flexible nasopharyngoscopy be performed under anesthesia?

It can also be called a “Flexible Nasopharyngoscopy” or “Flexible Scope”. This procedure is most commonly performed in the office with an awake child, although it can be performed on a patient who is under anesthesia as well. In an awake patient, this is on of the best ways to examine the larynx (voice box)…

When to do a Flexible Endoscopic Evaluation of swallowing?

Sometimes a Video Stroboscopy will be performed to better look at the vocal cords. If your child is having problems with swallowing or with eating certain foods, a swallowing test can also be performed while the scope is being performed. This is called a Flexible Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing (FEES) Study.