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What is a meaning of commerce?

What is a meaning of commerce?

Commerce is the conduct of trade among economic agents. Generally, commerce refers to the exchange of goods, services, or something of value, between businesses or entities.

What is the synonym of commerce?

Some common synonyms of commerce are business, industry, trade, and traffic. While all these words mean “activity concerned with the supplying and distribution of commodities,” commerce and trade imply the exchange and transportation of commodities.

What is commerce example?

The definition of commerce means the buying and selling goods on a large scale or social relations. An example of commerce is trade between two countries. An example of commerce is the social or intellectual exchanges amongst a group of friends. when done on a large scale between cities, states, or countries; trade.

What does commerce mean in history?

Commerce refers to all the activities around the exchange of goods or services for something of value like currency or, in bartering societies, other goods or services, including the process of getting those goods from manufacturer to customer, and everything in between.

Is commerce the same as business?

As we have already mentioned, commerce involves only buying and selling, whereas business involves much more. It involves activities like planning, marketing, distributing, accounting, supervising, maintenance, and many more. However, commerce is involved in each of these activities as well.

What is a synonym and antonym for commerce?

commerce. Antonyms: stagnation, exclusion, inactivity, interdict, embargo, dullness. Synonyms: trade, traffic, merchandize, barter, exchange, business, communication, dealing, intercourse.

What is commerce describe various branches of commerce?

To sum up, commerce facilitates the exchange or transfer of goods by removing the hindrance of person (trade), hindrance of place (transport), hindrance of time (warehousing), hindrance of risk of loss (insurance), hindrance of finance (banking) and hindrance of knowledge ( advertising and salesmanship).

What does free commerce mean?

Free trade is a trade policy that does not restrict imports or exports. It can also be understood as the free market idea applied to international trade.

Are there any synonyms for the word commerce?

Synonyms for commerce include business, trade, traffic, dealing, merchandising, bargaining, dealings, marketplace, trading and trafficking. Find more similar words at

Which is the best legal definition of Commerce?

Legal Definition of commerce. 1 : the exchange or buying and selling of goods, commodities, property, or services especially on a large scale and involving transportation from place to place : trade sense 2 — see also commerce clause, Fair Labor Standards Act.

How is the word commerce distinct from other similar nouns?

How is the word commerce distinct from other similar nouns? Some common synonyms of commerce are business, industry, trade, and traffic. While all these words mean “activity concerned with the supplying and distribution of commodities,” commerce and trade imply the exchange and transportation of commodities.

What is 1 Commerce?

Legal Definition of commerce. 1 : the exchange or buying and selling of goods, commodities, property, or services especially on a large scale and involving transportation from place to place : trade sense 2 — see also commerce clause, Fair Labor Standards Act. 2 : the act of engaging in sexual intercourse.