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What is a metaphor for smooth?

What is a metaphor for smooth?

(as) smooth as glass. (as) smooth as silk. a silver/smooth tongue. a smooth operator. clear sailing.

Is smooth as silk a metaphor?

Lacking impediments or obstacles, unhindered, as in The negotiations went smooth as silk. This simile alludes to the slippery quality of silk.

What is the saying as smooth as?

Very smooth and soft, with no imperfections. It has an incredible flavor and is smooth as silk. …

What is the similes of smooth?

List of AS… AS Similes

as happy as a lark very happy
as slippery as an eel slippery, evasive
as slow as a snail very slow
as slow as a tortoise very slow
as smooth as silk very smooth

What does the expression smooth as silk mean?

: very smooth hair as smooth as silk.

What objects are smooth?

Things That Are Smooth

  • Mirror.
  • Ice.
  • Metal.
  • Glass.
  • Marble.
  • Tapioca Pearls.
  • Bowling Ball.
  • Satin.

What are key words for metaphor?


  • Metaphor – Metaphors use the keywords “is” or “are” if they are comparing two nouns in the present tense or “was” or “were” when comparing them in the past tense.
  • Simile – Similes use the keywords “like” or “as.” Not every sentence that has the word “like” or “as” is a simile.

What are some good metaphors?

Everyday Life Metaphors

  • John’s suggestion was just a Band-Aid for the problem.
  • The cast on his broken leg was a plaster shackle.
  • Laughter is the music of the soul.
  • America is a melting pot.
  • Her lovely voice was music to his ears.
  • The world is a stage.
  • My kid’s room is a disaster area.
  • Life is a rollercoaster.