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What is a noun for wonder?

What is a noun for wonder?

wonder. noun. noun. /ˈwʌndər/ 1[uncountable] a feeling of surprise and admiration that you have when you see or experience something beautiful, unusual, or unexpected synonym awe He retained a childlike sense of wonder.

Can you use Wonder as a noun?

Noun The Grand Canyon is one of the natural wonders of the world. This new computer is a technological wonder. The child’s eyes were filled with wonder during the trip to the circus.

What is the adjective form of the noun wonder?

Word family (noun) wonder wonderment (adjective) wonderful wonder wondrous (verb) wonder (adverb) wonderfully.

How do you use change as a noun?

change. a change [singular] change (from something) the fact of a situation, a place, or an experience being different from what is usual and therefore likely to be interesting, enjoyable, etc. Finishing early was a welcome change. Let’s stay in tonight for a change.

What does the abstract noun wonder mean?

noun. something strange and surprising; a cause of surprise, astonishment, or admiration: That building is a wonder.

What is the noun form of love?

love. [uncountable] a strong feeling of deep affection for someone or something, especially a member of your family or a friend a mother’s love for her children love of your country He seems incapable of love.

How do you use the word wonder?

Wonder sentence example

  1. “I wonder if this is how he felt,” he mused to himself.
  2. No wonder Dulce had been so upset.
  3. I was beginning to wonder if you were ever going to arrive.
  4. People are starting to wonder if you don’t like them.
  5. No wonder he was upset in the stair room.
  6. I wonder what the world is doing now.

Can you change a verb to a noun in a sentence?

You can also change certain verbs to nouns depending on the context of a sentence. Sometimes, using the noun form of a verb can sound clunky and jargon-heavy. Use your discretion when changing verbs to nouns to keep your writing clear and concise.

How to use the word wonder in a sentence?

Examples of wonder in a Sentence. Noun The Grand Canyon is one of the natural wonders of the world. This new computer is a technological wonder. The child’s eyes were filled with wonder during the trip to the circus. We watched the fireworks show with wonder and amazement. She gazed up at the tall buildings in wonder.

When to add a determiner to a sentence?

Adjusting the Sentence Locate the verb. A verb is an action word. Add an appropriate determiner before the word. A determiner is a word like “the” or “a”, which usually signifies the following word will be a noun. Rewrite the sentence. Once you’ve added a determiner, you may need to tweak the sentence further.

How can I change part of speech words?

With the use of different suffixes (word endings, such as -er, -ian, -ist, -ness etc.) you can change what part of speech words are. Here are some examples: