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What is a possible theme for Amigo Brothers?

What is a possible theme for Amigo Brothers?

A theme from “Amigo Brothers” is: “True friendship can overcome even the most difficult of obstacles. Explanation: Antonio and Felix are incredible boxers and are also good friends.

How does the Amigo Brothers end?

Both boys are battered and exhausted by the end of the fight, but when the final bell sounds, they immediately embrace in shared triumph, and the crowd cheers. Before the winner of the fight can be announced, Felix and Antonio walk away, arm in arm.

What is the moral of the story Amigo Brothers?

Whoever wins will compete in the championship. The best friends promise that they will treat each other as opponents but won’t let this fight get in the way of their friendship.

How do Antonio and Felix act around each other after they find out they will be fighting?

How do Antonio and Felix act around each other after they find out they will be fighting? They grow suspicious of each other, afraid that one will cheat the other out of a win. They decide to treat each other as purely competitors for the time being.

Who won Felix or Antonio?

Félix da Costa comfortably won both races, winning the first race by almost a minute and the second race by almost forty seconds.

Who is the author of the Amigo brothers?

Jeff Somers is an award-winning writer who has authored nine novels, over 40 short stories, and “Writing Without Rules,” a non-fiction book about the business and craft of writing. “Amigo Brothers” is a short story by Piri Thomas. It was published in 1978 as part of Stories from El Barrio, Thomas’ short story collection for young adults.

What are the themes in the Amigo brothers?

Themes. In “Amigo Brothers,” Thomas purposefully minimized the presence and power of gangs and crime. In one sequence, Felix is menaced by some gang members, but they let him pass unmolested when he does some shadow-boxing, demonstrating his skills. The scene suggests that positive activities have the power to protect and serve you.

What does the title Amigo brothers mean in Spanish?

The title, Amigo Brothers, shows how important friendship is in the book. ‘Amigo’ means ‘friend’ in Spanish, and Antonio and Felix take their friendship very seriously, although the two boys are very different. Boxing has always been a way for the two boys to connect.

Where did the song friends like brothers come from?

So it means friends like brothers, It is taken from “Stories from El Barrio’ (1978) by Piri Thomas.