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What is a sentence for premature?

What is a sentence for premature?

Examples of premature in a Sentence Her premature death at age 30 stunned her family and friends. Too much exposure to the sun can cause the premature aging of skin.

What is an example of premature?

When you jump into something with an ill-prepared effort before you are ready, this is an example of a premature effort. When a baby is born after just seven months of pregnancy instead of nine months, this is an example of a baby that is premature.

How do you use the word premature?

Premature in a Sentence 🔉

  1. My husband thinks it is premature to call the cops, but I know for a fact that my ring was stolen.
  2. The premature baby was born several weeks before her due date.
  3. Because their flight arrived premature, the early passengers were able to get home a lot quicker than they expected.

Is premature good or bad?

All babies born preterm are at risk for serious health problems. Even babies born only four to six weeks early can have effects from the preterm birth such as breathing difficulties, feeding problems, jaundice and effects on brain functions.

What is premature?

Babies born more than 3 weeks earlier than their expected due date are called “premature.” Premature babies (preemies) didn’t have enough time to grow and develop as much as they should have before birth.

What’s the meaning of preterm?

Preterm is defined as babies born alive before 37 weeks of pregnancy are completed. There are sub-categories of preterm birth, based on gestational age: extremely preterm (less than 28 weeks) very preterm (28 to 32 weeks) moderate to late preterm (32 to 37 weeks).

What is very preterm?

Babies born before 37 weeks of pregnancy are called “preterm” or “premature.” Babies born before 28 weeks of pregnancy are considered extremely preterm. The earlier a baby is born, the less likely he or she is to survive. Those who do survive often have serious, sometimes long-term, health problems and disabilities.

Is baby born at 37 weeks premature?

A baby born before 37 weeks of pregnancy is considered premature or born too early. Prematurity is defined as: Early term infants. Babies born between 37 weeks and 38 weeks, 6 days.

Can baby survive at 21 weeks?

He had a less than 1% chance of survival. A baby born at 21 weeks gestation in Alabama last year is the most premature baby in the world to survive, according to Guinness World Records.

What is premature action?

Premature charge to be avoided; charging without authority from the rear. Premature action might injure a cause which they wished, above all others, to benefit.

What type of word is premature?

What type of word is premature? As detailed above, ‘premature’ is an adjective. Adjective usage: A premature birth.

Is preterm a word?

occurring earlier in pregnancy than expected; premature: preterm labor.