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What is a top gallant mast?
A mast raised above the topmast in square-rigged ships or the equivalent length of mast in a modern vessel with one-piece masts. It is raised through a cap and supported by trestle-trees. The origin of the name is thought to come from the use of the word gallant to indicate being grand or showing off.
What does topgallant mean in Romeo and Juliet?
1 archaic : the topmost point : summit the high topgallant of my joy— William Shakespeare.
What does a topgallant do?
On a square rigged sailing vessel, a topgallant sail (topgallant alone pronounced “t’gallant”, topgallant sail pronounced “t’garns’l”) is the square-rigged sail or sails immediately above the topsail or topsails. They thus fly two topsails (and possibly two topgallant sails) per mast.
What is a schooner boat?
schooner, a sailing ship rigged with fore-and-aft sails on its two or more masts. To the foremast there may also be rigged one or more square topsails or, more commonly, one or more jib sails or Bermuda sails (triangular sails extending forward to the bowsprit or jibboom).
What are the sails on a ship called?
A mainsail (“mains’l”) is a sail attached to the main mast. The principal types include: (1) A square-rig mainsail is a square sail attached at the bottom of the main mast. (2) A Bermuda-rig mainsail is a triangular sail with the luff attached to the mast with the foot or lower edge generally attached to a boom.
What does a gallant of a man mean?
noun. a brave, noble-minded, or chivalrous man. a man exceptionally attentive to women. a stylish and dashing man. a suitor or lover.
What does distemper mean in Romeo and Juliet?
Distemper. Definition:to put out of temper, to disturb, to sicken.
What is the top sail called?
A topsail (“tops’l”) is a sail set above another sail; on square-rigged vessels further sails may be set above topsails.
Why is it called the Mizzen?
The name of the third, aftermost, mast of a square-rigged sailing ship or of a three-masted schooner, or the small after mast of a ketch or a yawl (but see also jigger-mast). The word also possibly came from the Arabic misn meaning mast, and was associated with the lateen sail, also of Arabic origin.
What does Meizen mean?
any sail not set on a yard and whose normal position is in a fore-and-aft direction. third mast from the bow in a vessel having three or more masts; the after and shorter mast of a yawl, ketch, or dandy. synonyms: mizenmast, mizzen, mizzenmast. type of: mast. a vertical spar for supporting sails.