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What is a verb for K?

What is a verb for K?

Verbs that start with ke keck. keckle. kedge. keel. keelhaul.

What are verbs starting with K?

English Verbs Starting with K

Verb Simple Past Past Participle
to key keyed keyed
to kick kicked kicked
to kidnap kidnapped kidnapped
to kill killed killed

What are some verbs that start with K?

25 Verbs Starting With K

Verb Definition
kiss to lightly touch with the lips
kit to provide what is needed for a given task or situation
knead to work or massage something with your hands, especially dough to make bread
kneel to rest on one or both knees

What are some adjectives that begin with a K?


  • Kindly
  • Keen
  • Keyless
  • Kaput
  • Kind
  • Knowledgeable
  • Kingly
  • What are some powerful words beginning with K?

    40 Killer K-Words To Add To Your Vocabulary KAFFEEKLATSCH. Borrowed into English from German in the 19th century, a kaffeeklatsch is literally a “coffee-gossip”-the perfect word for chatting and catching up with friends over a cup of KAKIDROSIS. The medical name for smelly sweat. KAKORRHAPHIAPHOBIA. KALEGARTH. KALON. KALOPSIA KANURD. KAREKOYLE. KARRIEWHITCHIT. KEBBIE-LEBBIE.

    What are funny words that start with K?

    Kerfuffle. Used primarily in uptight British social circles,kerfuffle means “commotion.” As in,”I say,those seven headless horsemen are causing quite a kerfuffle,aren’t they dear?”

  • Killjoy. There is perhaps no worse insult on the planet than to call someone a killjoy.
  • Knickers.
  • Kegging.
  • Kickstarter.
  • Kook.
  • What are some good words starting with ‘K’?

    k eratinizations

  • k affeeklatsches
  • k ittenishnesses
  • k indergarteners
  • k indheartedness
  • k inesthetically
  • k remlinologists
  • k incardineshire
  • k nickknackatory
  • k aleidoscopical