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What is an avaricious person?

What is an avaricious person?

: greedy of gain : excessively acquisitive especially in seeking to hoard riches avaricious land-grabbers.

What is an example of avarice?

The definition of avarice means greed or a great a desire to be rich. An example of avarice is deciding which college degree to get and which job to take based only on the expected salary. Too great a desire to have wealth; cupidity.

What does averis mean?

: excessive or insatiable desire for wealth or gain : greediness, cupidity.

What is the synonym of avarice?

greed, acquisitiveness, cupidity, covetousness, avariciousness, rapacity, rapaciousness, graspingness, materialism, mercenariness. meanness, miserliness.

What does material gain mean?

Material Gain means, for the relevant period, the amount by which (a) the quantity of Client-Supplied Materials used to Manufacture Product in the relevant period is less than (b) the specified range of the quantity of Client-Supplied Materials that would be used to Manufacture the same amount of Product at the …

How do you use parley in a sentence?

Parley sentence example His visit he would now defer; but they had a very interesting parley about what could be done and should be done.

Is avarice same as greed?

Avarice is a more formal than greed. It suggests a desire to accumulate more and more wealth; and also to hold on to what one has accumulated, hence also suggesting miserliness. It is almost always associated with money and possessions and is not used for food. Greed is a less formal and more general word than avarice.

What are prevarications?

intransitive verb. : to deviate from the truth : equivocate.

What is a similar meaning for avaricious?

Some common synonyms of avaricious are acquisitive, covetous, grasping, and greedy. While all these words mean “having or showing a strong desire for especially material possessions,” avaricious implies obsessive acquisitiveness especially of money and strongly suggests stinginess.

What are two synonyms of the word avaricious as it is used in the sentence?

synonyms for avaricious

  • covetous.
  • gluttonous.
  • hoarding.
  • money-grubbing.
  • predatory.
  • rapacious.
  • selfish.
  • tight.

What is personal prestige?

​the respect and value that somebody/something has because of their social position, or what they have done synonym status. personal prestige.