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What is an example of an exogenous process?

What is an example of an exogenous process?

Many exogenous (extra-terrestrial) forces are as a result of other bodies in space. For example, the Moon causes tides in the Earth’s oceans and other big bodies of water. Some other examples of exogenous process are rainfall, snowfall, hailstorm, erosion ,tsunamis, avalanches, winds, wave currents etc.

What is exogenous & endogenous process?

In geology, exogenous processes come from forces on or above the Earth’s surface. Processes caused by forces from within the Earth are endogenous processes. Exo is a prefix meaning “out”, and endo is a prefix meaning “in”. Many exogenous (extraterrestrial) forces are caused by other bodies in the Solar System.

What are the four types of exogenous processes?

They include weathering and the geological action of wind (eolian processes, deflation), flowing surface and groundwaters (erosion, denudation), lakes and swamps, the waters of the seas and oceans (abrasion), and glaciers (exaration).

What is exogenous forces give an example?

Examples of exogenic forces include the erosion, oxidation and reduction, mass wasting ,weathering, hydration etc. The exogenous processes depend upon the type and structure of the rocks as well the climate. The three main exogenous processes are folding, faulting and volcanism.

What are the 3 main exogenous processes?

In geology, exogenous refers to all the processes that are produced at the surface of the Earth (and other planets). Weathering, erosion, transportation, and sedimentation are the main exogenous processes. The result of these processes is the formation of sediments and sedimentary rocks.

Why do endogenous processes happen?

In geology, endogenous refers to all the processes that are produced in the interior of the Earth (and other planets). The heat transfer towards its surface drives endogenous processes. The heat derives from the radioactive decay of elements U, Th, K, and the residual heat from planetary accretion.

What do you mean by endogenous process?

Definition. In geology, endogenous refers to all the processes that are produced in the interior of the Earth (and other planets). It is commonly referred to the process that takes place in the mantle or the core of the planets but that can have subsequent effects on the surface of the planet.

What is the driving force of endogenous processes why do they happen?

The endogenous processes are caused by forces from within or in the interior of the Earth. The driving force is the thermal energy of the mantle and the crust.

How important are Exogenic processes in our life?

Exogenic processes (e.g., mass movement, erosion, and frost weathering) play an important role in the formation of relief and create a variety of landscapes.

What is the importance of understanding exogenous processes in your life?

The exogenous process may be various process like industrial and factories which influence our life in physical world. The endogenous process like our organ system aiding in digestion, central nervous system, integumentory and muscular system which is gain important for our survival. Both are mutually life influencer.

What causes Exogenic processes?

The exogenic forces derive their energy from the atmosphere determined by the ultimate energy from the sun and also the gradient created by tectonic factors. We have already discussed in previous articles that slopes on the earth surface are mainly created by tectonic factors or earth movements due to endogenic forces.

What is endogenous force?

Endogenic forces are the pressure within the earth, also known as internal forces. Such internal forces contribute to vertical and horizontal motions and lead to subsidence, land upliftment, volcanism, faulting, folding, earthquakes, etc.