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What is an example of irrelevance?

What is an example of irrelevance?

The definition of irrelevant is defined as something that doesn’t apply, or is not related to the subject. An example of irrelevant is a 2012 calendar to find a moon’s phase in March of 2013. An example of irrelevant is someone saying it’s noon when asked for the temperature outside.

What is the meaning of irrelevant in a sentence?

: not important or relating to what is being discussed right now : not relevant His comment is completely irrelevant.

What is the synonym of irrelevance?

The quality or state of being irrelevant. inapplicability. extraneousness. inappositeness. inappropriateness.

What is irrelevancy?

Definitions of irrelevancy. the lack of a relation of something to the matter at hand. synonyms: irrelevance. Antonyms: relevance, relevancy. the relation of something to the matter at hand.

What is irrelevant statement?

A premise in an argument is irrelevant if the truth or falsity of the premise has no bearing whatsoever on the question of whether or not the conclusion is true.

Is irrelevantly a word?

adj. Unrelated to the matter being considered. ir·rel′e·vant·ly adv.

How do you use precise in a sentence?

Precise in a Sentence 🔉

  1. The student tried to come up with the precise answer to the problem but was a few answers off.
  2. When calling the police, the victim had to give the dispatcher his precise location so that they could find him.
  3. Barry didn’t know the precise spelling of the word, so he took a guess. 🔉

What part of speech is irrelevance?

IRRELEVANCE (noun) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary.

What is the define of impertinence?

impertinent • \im-PER-tuh-nunt\ • adjective. 1 : not pertinent : irrelevant 2 a : not restrained within due or proper bounds especially of propriety or good taste b : given to or characterized by insolent rudeness.

Is Irrelivancy a word?

(uncountable) The quality of being irrelevant or inapplicable; lack of pertinence or connection.

How do you use irrelevant?

1, We’re focusing too much on irrelevant details. 2, These arguments were dismissed as irrelevant. 3, Ludicrously irrelevant thoughts swarmed in her head. 4, These documents are largely irrelevant to the present investigation.

Which is the best definition of the word irrelevance?

Definition of irrelevance. 1 : the quality or state of being irrelevant. 2 : something irrelevant.

Is the TV commercial at risk of irrelevance?

The television commercial is at risk of irrelevance —pushing the TV ad of the future to be more than just a one-size-fits-all commercial break. After more than twenty years of marketplace irrelevance, its values and those of American drinkers had at last aligned.

Is the sanctity of human life an irrelevance?

The sanctity of human life has been sidelined as an irrelevance in the Republic as blindly as in any paramilitary murder in the North. Many highly trained professionals can attest to the irrelevance of evolutionary theory.