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What is an example of loose construction?

What is an example of loose construction?

Loose construction means that the Constitution gives the Federal government broad powers to do what is necessary. Setting up a national bank, having the government pay off all states debts, health care, etc. What is an example of strict interpretation?

What is loose constructionism?

loose construction is where you bend the constitution. Hamilton said that if it was not in the constitution than you could do it.

How do you use loose construction in a sentence?

Wexler’s performance, though forceful, lacked the abandon to justify its loose construction. He appeared to execute this submission willingly enough, but on Friday, safely past the pressures of the parliamentary week, a loose construction. The nest is a loose construction of twigs lined with grass or straw.

What do loose constructionist believe?

Loose construction is the belief that the Constitution is a dynamic, living document that must change as the nation develops. Loose constructionists do not feel bound by the original intent of the Founding Fathers.

What was known as loose construction?

Loose construction, also known as broad construction, holds that legal interpretation requires applying knowledge from outside the Constitution’s text, such as history, scientific findings, and political circumstances.

What are loose and strict construction of the Constitution and who favored each?

5. What are loose and strict construction of the Constitution and who favored each? Loose construction means a flexible interpretation – favored by Hamilton. Strict construction means a narrow interpretation – favored by Jefferson.

Who favored loose construction?

What are loose and strict construction of the Constitution and who favored each? Loose construction means a flexible interpretation – favored by Hamilton. Strict construction means a narrow interpretation – favored by Jefferson.

What does loose construction of the Constitution mean and which party supported it?

: an advocate of loose construction (as of a statute or constitution) specifically : one favoring a liberal construction of the Constitution of the U.S. to give broader powers to the federal government — compare elastic sense 4a, strict constructionist.

What are loose and strict construction of the Constitution who favored each?

What is loose construction and strict construction?

Strict construction means that the Federal government has very limited powers. Loose construction means that the Constitution gives the Federal government broad powers to do what is necessary.

What does the term strict construction mean?

Strict construction requires a judge to apply the text only as it is written. Judges—in this view—should avoid drawing inferences from a statute or constitution and focus only on the text itself.

What are loose and strict constructions of the Constitution and who favored each?