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What is an up and down movement of air called?

What is an up and down movement of air called?

Wind caused by differences in temperature is known as convection or advection. Whereas convection is the vertical movement of air, advection involves the horizontal movement of air and heat energy transference.

What is moving air in the atmosphere called?

Air in the atmosphere moves around the world in a pattern called global atmospheric circulation. The, now, warmed air rises again, and the pattern repeats. This pattern, known as convection, happens on a global scale.

What is the major movement of air in the atmosphere?

The movement of air through Earth’s — or any planet’s — atmosphere is called wind, and the main cause of Earth’s winds is uneven heating by the sun. This uneven heating causes changes of atmospheric pressure, and winds blow from regions with high pressure to those with low pressure.

What happens as you move upward in the atmosphere?

As we climb in elevation, fewer air molecules are above us (less weight of air above us); hence, atmospheric pressure always decreases as you move upward in the atmosphere (See Figure B).

What is the moving air called answer?

Air that is moving is called wind. Air tends to move from areas of high pressure to areas with less pressure. The atmosphere is an open system, meaning that other things effect it.

What is another name for moving air?

Air is constantly moving around the earth. This moving air is called wind. Winds are created when there are differences in air pressure from one area to another.

Is called Moving air is called?

The moving air is called wind.

What is moving air answer called?

Air is constantly moving around the earth. This moving air is called wind. Winds are created when there are differences in air pressure from one area to another. This is what makes air move, creating the wind.

What moves warmer air upward?

Air Pressure and Winds Warm air rises, creating an upward-flowing limb of a convection cell (Figure 15.19). This creates a high pressure zone. The sinking air is relatively cool, since it has traveled across the tropopause. Air that moves horizontally between high and low pressure cells makes wind.

What causes the upward motion of the warm air?

This vertical upward movement of air is often caused by convection. This in turn, produces a greater amount of space between the atoms and molecules making the air less dense which causes it to rise like a hot air balloon. This rising of the air is convection.

What happens to the air pressure the higher up in space you go?

As an airplane travels higher into the atmosphere, air pressure decreases. As you travel away from the Earth’s surface, the atmosphere expands the further you go. That expansion (more space) allows gas molecules to spread out resulting in the atmosphere becoming less dense.

What decreases as we climb upward in the atmosphere?

Pressure always decreases as we climb upward in the atmosphere.

What kind of air movement is high pressure?

Vertical Air Movement. High pressure is when air is sinking. High pressure cells are typically over 1013 mbars. Sinking air is dry, and it is common for the sky to be cloudless and sunny in high pressure. In other words, high pressure cells lead to outdoor-activity weather!

What happens to the air as it descends in the atmosphere?

When cool air descends, it warms. Since it can then hold more moisture, the descending air will evaporate water on the ground. Air moving between large high and low pressure systems creates the global wind belts that profoundly affect regional climate.

How does air move between low and high pressure cells?

Local winds result from air moving between small low and high pressure systems. High and low pressure cells are created by a variety of conditions. Some local winds have very important effects on the weather and climate of some regions. Since water has a very high specific heat, it maintains its temperature well.

How does the air move up and down a mountain?

As the day progresses, warm air rises and draws the cool air up from the valley, creating a valley breeze. At night the mountain slopes cool more quickly than the nearby valley, which causes a mountain breeze to flow downhill. Katabatic winds move up and down slopes, but they are stronger mountain and valley breezes.