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What is another name for the spinner dolphin?

What is another name for the spinner dolphin?

Spinner dolphins are very popular with dolphin watchers as their acrobatic behaviour is spectacular. Other names: Spinner; long-beaked dolphin; long-snouted dolphin. IUCN Conservation Status: Data Deficient (globally) on the IUCN Red List of Threatened species.

What is the genus of a spinner dolphin?

Spotted dolphins
Spinner dolphin/Genus

What are spinner dolphins known for?

Regarded as one of the most acrobatic of dolphins, spinner dolphins are well known for their habit of leaping from the water and spinning up to seven times in the air before falling back into the water.

What is the scientific name for dolphins?

Cetaceans/Scientific names

What do Hawaiians call dolphins?

The Hawaiian name for dolphin is nai’a, and refers to most all dolphins found here.

Do killer whales eat spinner dolphins?

Ecology. The spinner dolphin lives in nearly all tropical and subtropical waters between 40°N and 40°S. Spinner dolphins are in turn preyed on by sharks. Other possible predators include the killer whale, the false killer whale, the pygmy killer whale and the short-finned pilot whale.

How many spinner dolphins are in Hawaii?

Spinner dolphins are the most commonly seen dolphin in Hawaiian waters. There are about 2,000 to 3,000 individuals that live in different stocks. The distinct stocks are: 2 in the Northwest Hawaiian Islands, 1 stock in Oahu and Maui Nui waters, 1 stock in Big Island waters and 1 deep sea (pelagic) stock.

What is the difference between spinner dolphins and bottlenose?

Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) are distinguishable from spotted and spinner dolphins by their much larger size, their uniformly gray coloration and their thicker, blunter rostrum. They are usually seen in smaller pods or groups of less than 10 individuals.

What kind of animal is a spinner dolphin?

The Spinner dolphin is a small and slender cetacean with comparatively long and slender beak as well as a triangular fin on its dorsum. The size and color pattern of this animal varies greatly, depending on locality.

How big does a Hawaiian spinner dolphin get?

Among Gray’s spinner dolphins (the subspecies that includes Hawaiian spinner dolphins), adult females are 4.6 to 6.7 feet long and adult males are 5.2 to 6.8 feet long. They reach weights of at least 181 pounds. There is a great deal of color variation in spinner dolphins across the globe, depending on the region and subspecies of dolphin.

Why is the spinner dolphin a endangered species?

The Spinner Dolphin is classified as being endangered. One of the biggest problems for them is pollution in the water where they live. This can cause damage to their skin and if they consume plastic or chemicals it can cause internal damages.

How long is the gestation period of a spinner dolphin?

A dozen adult males may gather into coalitions. Vocalizations of spinner dolphins include whistles, which may be used to organize the school, burst-pulse signals, and echolocation clicks. The spinner dolphin has a 10-month gestation period, and mothers nurse their young for one to two years.