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What is another word for badness?

What is another word for badness?

What is another word for badness?

corruption impropriety
depravedness depravity
diabolicalness enormity
evil evilness
heinousness hideousness

What is the meaning of Sevier?

English: occupational name for a sieve-maker, Middle English siviere (from an agent derivative of Old English sife ‘sieve’). Similar surnames: Lever, Seiler, Seiner, Seyer, Semler, Levier, Seifer, Seger, Geier.

What does Worsend mean?

to make worse
: to make worse. intransitive verb. : to become worse the weather began to worsen.

What is the reason of my badness?

Also, because we tend to get used to our own smells, it’s hard for a person to tell if he or she has bad breath. If you’re concerned about bad breath, make sure you’re taking care of your teeth and mouth properly. Some sugar-free gums and mints can temporarily mask odors, too.

What is a impropriety?

1 : an improper or indecorous act or remark especially : an unacceptable use of a word or of language. 2 : the quality or state of being improper.

How do I spell Sevier?

Sevier, Utah – Sevier ( sə-VEER) is an unincorporated community in southwestern Sevier County, Utah, United States. It lies in the valley of the Sevier River along U.S.

What is the correct spelling of Sevier?

[ suh-veeer ] SHOW IPA. / səˈviər / PHONETIC RESPELLING. noun.

How do you use worsening?

Worsened sentence example

  1. The man felt abominably ill and rushed to the hospital when his symptoms worsened .
  2. He developed an abscess in the ear which steadily worsened .
  3. Any attempt to apply right aileron merely worsened this situation.

How do you use worsening in a sentence?

Worsening sentence example

  1. Another text popped up, worsening his mood.
  2. As if in reaction against the worsening of their position they were all particularly animated and gay.
  3. Their unfavorable reports intensified the worsening situation and finally compelled Percival to surrender.