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What is another word for inteligente in Spanish?

What is another word for inteligente in Spanish?

The word inteligente is the Spanish word for intelligent….What is another word for inteligente?

clever bright
brainy discerning
intellectual knowledgeable
perspicacious quick-witted
canny genius

What is the opposite of being shy?

The opposite of shyness is being outgoing, while the opposite of introversion is extroversion. Shy: Fear of negative evaluation, a tendency toward avoidance.

What’s the opposite to the equator?

What is the opposite of equatorial?

polar temperate
Antarctic Arctic
circumpolar southern
south north

What is the feminine form of inteligente?

intelligent inteligente
feminine femenino

Is friendly the opposite of shy?

“The total was sufficient in meeting our requirements.”…What is the opposite of shy?

bold brash
friendly assertive
sociable extrovert
agitated self-confident
unblushing unapologetic

Is Unhonest correct?

is that dishonest is not honest while unhonest is (obsolete) discreditable (of actions, language etc); unseemly, morally reprehensible.

What is the opposite of hemisphere?

Antonyms & Near Antonyms for hemisphere. aggregate, sum, total, whole.

What is an antonym for intelligent?

intelligent(adj) having the capacity for thought and reason especially to a high degree. “is there intelligent life in the universe?”; “an intelligent question”. Antonyms: naive, naif, unintelligent, unreasonable, irrational, brainless, stupid, headless.

What do words mean intelligent?

in•tel•li•gent. 1. having good understanding or a high mental capacity; quick to comprehend. 2. displaying quickness of understanding, sound thought, or good judgment: an intelligent reply. 3. having the faculty of reasoning and understanding; possessing intelligence: intelligent beings on other planets.

What is a synonym for intelligence?

intelligence(noun) the ability to comprehend; to understand and profit from experience. Synonyms: news, intelligence agency, intelligence service, intelligence information, word, intelligence activity, tidings, intelligence operation.

What is the definition of intelligent?

Legal Definition of intelligent. : having or indicating a high or satisfactory degree of intelligence and mental capacity especially : having or indicating an understanding of the nature and consequences of an act or decision a knowing and intelligent waiver of counsel — compare knowing.