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What is another word for looking after?

What is another word for looking after?

What is another word for look after?

protect guard
supervise oversee
babysit childmind
care for take care of
watch over attend to

What’s a word for caring too much?

With a more positive connotation, someone who cares a lot about everything (potentially taken to extreme) could be referred to as meticulous, conscientious, sensitive, scrupulous or altruistic.

What word means to treat with excessive care and attention?

To pamper is to spoil or indulge. An example of pamper is when you spoil your child and cater to his or her every whim and need. To treat with excessive care, attention or indulgence.

What is the meaning of look after yourself?

look after yourself​British​spokenused for saying goodbye to someone you know well. Synonyms and related words. Ways of saying goodbye. goodbye.

What is the sentence of look after?

Look after sentence example. Nobody stays at home to look after the kids any more. Still, it felt secure to have someone look after her the way he did. The kids I look after are so adorable – I’m really going to miss them.

What is the synonym for exuberant?

Some common synonyms of exuberant are lavish, lush, luxuriant, prodigal, and profuse. While all these words mean “giving or given out in great abundance,” exuberant implies marked vitality or vigor in what produces abundantly. an exuberant imagination.

What is getting pampered?

: to treat (someone or something) very well : to give (someone or something) a lot of attention and care. See the full definition for pamper in the English Language Learners Dictionary. pamper. verb. pam·​per | \ ˈpam-pər \

What does it mean to get pampered?

given special treatment that makes you feel as comfortable as possible or gives you whatever you want: He was a pampered rich kid who was driven to school in a limousine. We left the spa feeling pampered and relaxed. See. pamper.