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What is Article 2 of the Constitution quizlet?

What is Article 2 of the Constitution quizlet?

By granting the president a sweeping “executive power”—a power not carefully defined in the Constitution— Article II establishes the presidency as a strong office within the American government.

Which is an example of a presidential power that has no clear limitation?

The Constitution limits the executive branch to keep the president from becoming too powerful. Which is an example of a presidential power that has no clear limitation? thirty-five years old. lead the military.

Which issue discussed at the Constitutional Convention of 1787 continues to be a major concern?

A central issue at the Convention was whether the federal government or the states would have more power. Many delegates believed that the federal government should be able to overrule state laws, but others feared that a strong federal government would oppress their citizens.

Which powers does the Constitution grant the president quizlet?

The Constitution explicitly assigns to the president the power to sign or veto legislation, command the armed forces, ask for the written opinion of his Cabinet, convene or adjourn Congress, grant reprieves and pardons, and receive ambassadors .

What does Article 4 of the Constitution do quizlet?

Full faith and credit shall be given in each state to the public art, records and judicial proceedings of every other state. The citizens of each states shall be entitled to all privileges and immunities. They are entitled to their constitutional right s no matter where they come from.

What does Article 1 of the Constitution do quizlet?

Congress is the branch of the government who can make laws for the country. Article 1 also creates the two sections of Congress, the Senate and the House of Representatives. makes the executive branch of the government. The Executive branch has the responsibility and authority for the administration on a daily basis.

What is the general limitation on the power of the president?

They are subject to three basic limitations: (1) the President may not, without congressional authorization, use these powers to change domestic law or create or alter existing legal obligations; (2) these powers are subject to regulation by Congress; and (3) in the event of a conflict between the exercise of these …

What’s in Article 2 of the Constitution?

Article Two of the United States Constitution establishes the executive branch of the federal government, which carries out and enforces federal laws. Section 2 of Article Two lays out the powers of the presidency, establishing that the president serves as the commander-in-chief of the military, among many other roles.

What was the primary reason to hold the Constitutional Convention of 1787?

The Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia met between May and September of 1787 to address the problems of the weak central government that existed under the Articles of Confederation.

What was wrong with the Constitution of 1787?

A tax protest by western Massachusetts farmers in 1786 and 1787 showed the central government couldn’t put down an internal rebellion. It had to rely on a state militia sponsored by private Boston business people. With no money, the central government couldn’t act to protect the “perpetual union.”

Which powers does the Constitution grant the president?

The Constitution explicitly assigns the president the power to sign or veto legislation, command the armed forces, ask for the written opinion of their Cabinet, convene or adjourn Congress, grant reprieves and pardons, and receive ambassadors.

What powers does the Constitution grant to the executive branch?

The Executive Branch conducts diplomacy with other nations and the President has the power to negotiate and sign treaties, which the Senate ratifies. The President can issue executive orders, which direct executive officers or clarify and further existing laws.