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What is being done to protect platypus?

What is being done to protect platypus?

In 2019 the Government announced a ban on opera house yabby nets and other closed freshwater crayfish traps to prevent accidental platypus drownings.

Why does a platypus have a bill?

The bill of a platypus, sometimes called a duck-billed platypus, has a smooth texture that feels like suede. The skin of the bill holds thousands of receptors that help the platypus navigate underwater and detect movement of potential food, such as shrimp.

What is the conservation status of the platypus?

Not extinct
Platypus/Extinction status

Are platypus protected in Australia?

Platypuses are endemic to (only found in) east and south-eastern Australia. They’re found in freshwater creeks and rivers of Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania and South Australia. They’re protected by legislation in all of Australia’s eastern states.

Are platypuses protected species?

Although captive-breeding programs have had only limited success, and the platypus is vulnerable to the effects of pollution, it is not under any immediate threat. As of 2020, the platypus is a legally protected species in all states where it occurs.

What can you do to help protect platypus in Australia?

“Communities can also contribute to platypus conservation by getting into the habit of reporting their platypus sightings to their local waterway manager and, if they like, to the Australian Platypus Conservancy .

How long does a platypus stay in the water?

Platypus can stay underwater for up to 10 minutes. When swimming, the platypus moves itself with its front feet and uses its back feet for steering and as brakes. Water doesn’t get into the platypus’s thick fur, and it swims with its eyes, ears and nostrils shut. In Queensland, platypus mate in August.

How to protect platypus in the Wimmera system?

Protecting platypus 1 Further west. In the Wimmera system, platypus were once widespread but now the Mackenzie River supports the last known breeding population. 2 Protecting platypus in and around Melbourne. 3 Water is critical for platypus survival. 4 Report platypus sightings.

What does platypusspot do to help the community?

PlatypusSPOT collects the vast wealth of community information on platypus sightings and makes it public. It raises awareness about where platypuses are and their threats.