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What is best description of blood?

What is best description of blood?

The best description of blood is c) Solution. Blood is a solution that is made of many different parts and components.

How would you describe red blood?

red blood cell, also called erythrocyte, cellular component of blood, millions of which in the circulation of vertebrates give the blood its characteristic colour and carry oxygen from the lungs to the tissues. The mature human red blood cell is small, round, and biconcave; it appears dumbbell-shaped in profile.

How do you describe blood cells?

Red blood cells are circular, biconcave, disk-shaped and deformable to allow them to squeeze through narrow capillaries. They do not have a nucleus. Red blood cells are much smaller than most other human cells. RBCs are formed in the red bone marrow from hematopoietic stem cells in a process known as erythropoiesis.

What does blood look like?

Hemoglobin bound to oxygen absorbs blue-green light, which means that it reflects red-orange light into our eyes, appearing red. That’s why blood turns bright cherry red when oxygen binds to its iron. Without oxygen connected, blood is a darker red color.

How do you describe blood color?

The bright red color of crimson is often considered the color of fresh blood, but blood-red color may also describe a dark maroon shade of red. Depending on how it is used, blood red can carry some of the darker or more sinister symbolism of red, including anger, aggression, death, or a sense of the macabre.

Why the blood is red?

Blood gets its bright red color when hemoglobin picks up oxygen in the lungs. As the blood travels through the body, the hemoglobin releases oxygen to the different body parts. Each RBC lives for about 4 months. RBCs are made in the inside part of bones called the bone marrow.

What word describes a red blood cells?

erythrocyte, hemocyte, red cell, red corpuscle.

What is blood describe its composition?

Blood is a specialized body fluid. It has four main components: plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. forming blood clots to prevent excess blood loss. carrying cells and antibodies that fight infection. bringing waste products to the kidneys and liver, which filter and clean the blood.

What is the real color of blood?

Human blood is red because hemoglobin, which is carried in the blood and functions to transport oxygen, is iron-rich and red in color. Octopuses and horseshoe crabs have blue blood. This is because the protein transporting oxygen in their blood, hemocyanin, is actually blue.

How do you describe the smell of blood?

Human blood, which also contains water and iron, has a smell similar to rust. This is an olfactory illusion. Smell a dry metal paper clip. Lick your fingers and give it a good rub, then smell it again.

Can humans green blood?

In sulfhemoglobin, the sulphur atom prevents the iron from binding to oxygen, and since it’s the oxygen-iron bonds that make our blood appear red, with sulfhemoglobin blood appears dark blue, green or black. Patients with sulfhemoglobinemia exhibit cyanosis, or a blueish tinge to their skin.