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What is bilingual and example?

What is bilingual and example?

An example of being bilingual is a person who can speak both English and Spanish. An example of bilingual is bilinqual education, when a student is taught in both English and the language of their native country. An example of a bilingual is a person with the ability to speak German and Italian.

How do you say someone is bilingual?

A person who speaks more than two languages is called ‘multilingual’ (although the term ‘bilingualism’ can be used for both situations). Multilingualism isn’t unusual; in fact, it’s the norm for most of the world’s societies. It’s possible for a person to know and use three, four, or even more languages fluently.

How would you describe bilingual?

Other terms similar to “native” that can be used to describe a bilingual status of a foreign language would be “fluent” or “mother tongue”. There’s no need to list English along with the other language you know. If you claim to be bilingual, it’s understood by default that one of those languages is English.

How do you write bilingual?


  1. bi-lingual – 39.5%
  2. billingual – 2.4%
  3. bilingu – 1.6%
  4. biligual – 1.6%
  5. bilingua – 1.6%
  6. Other – 53.23%

What is a bilingual society?

Societal bilingualism (or multilingualism) denotes the characteristic linguistic situation in a particular speech community, i.e. in a particular society or nation in which more than one language is used. In this connection we can further distinguish between official multilingualism and de facto multilingualism.

Is it good to be bilingual?

Studies show that being bilingual has many cognitive benefits. According to research, speaking a second language can mean that you have a better attention span and can multitask better than monolinguals. This is because being bilingual means you are constantly switching from one language to the other.

When can you say bilingual?

If you’re able to speak two languages fluently, you can call yourself bilingual. In this age of global connectivity, many people are even multilingual and have mastered several languages.

What is bilingual in English?

Bilingual is an adjective that describes a person or community that speaks two languages. A bilingual woman might speak Spanish and English, and a part of town where people speak Mandarin and Polish is a bilingual neighborhood.

Is being bilingual good?

How do you put bilingual on a resume?

How to list bilingual skills on your resume

  1. Determine the relevance of your bilingual skills to the position.
  2. Add it to your skills, summary or experience sections.
  3. Detail these skills further in a languages section.
  4. Describe your fluency level.

What is bilingualism in your own words?

Put simply, bilingualism is the ability to use two languages. Others may be proficient in reading in two or more languages (or bi-literate). A person may be bilingual by virtue of having grown up learning and using two languages simultaneously (simultaneous bilingualism).

When can you say you are bilingual?

Which is an example of bilingual in a sentence?

Definition of Bilingual. having the ability to speak two languages. Examples of Bilingual in a sentence. Because Debra is a bilingual, she is often chosen to translate between English and Spanish speakers. 🔊 As a bilingual, Fred hopes that his children will also master a second language. 🔊

What do you need to know about bilingualism?

This article is intended for parents and the many people who parents turn to for advice about fostering successful bilingual development: preschool teachers, elementary teachers, pediatricians, and speech-language pathologists. Bilingualism refers to the ability to use two languages in everyday life.

Is it normal for bilingual children to mix words?

One misunderstood behavior, which is often taken as evidence for confusion, is when bilingual children mix words from two languages in the same sentence. This is known as code mixing. In fact, code mixing is a normal part of bilingual development, and bilingual children actually have good reasons to code mix (Pearson, 2008).

When does a bilingual child borrow a word from another language?

If a bilingual child does not know or cannot quickly retrieve the appropriate word in one language, she might borrow the word from the other language (Lanza, 2004). Rather than being a sign of confusion, code mixing can be seen as a path of least resistance: a sign of bilingual children’s ingenuity.