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What is capability approach example?

What is capability approach example?

Capability is standardly understood as mapping one’s range of choices over valuable functionings regardless of their content. For example, the ability of a physically disabled but socially well-connected person to travel outside whenever she wants by arranging the help of friends, family and voluntary organizations.

What is capability approach Amartya Sen?

The Sen capability approach is a moral framework. It proposes that social arrangements should be evaluated primarily according to the extent of freedom people have to promote as well as achieving functions they value. Such as those of social justice or the narratives of development ethics.

What is the capabilities approach to human rights?

As an approach to public policy, the capability approach highlights the critical importance of the substantive freedoms and opportunities of individuals and groups, whilst the human rights approach highlights the importance of values such as freedom, dignity and respect, equality and non‐discrimination, participation …

How does capability approach explain disability?

Under the capability approach, disability may be understood as being the result of a combination of different factors. It may result from (a) the nature of an impairment and other personal characteristics (e.g., age, gender, race), (b) the resources avail- able to the individual, and (c) the environment.

What are examples of capabilities?

The definition of a capability is something that a person or thing is able to do. When a person can cook, this is an example of a situation where he has the capability to cook. When a computer can open a file, this is an example of a situation where the computer has the capability to open the file.

What are the main principles of the capabilities approach?

The two clusters would share a focus on what people are able doing and being, and would share a commitment to five principles: treating each person as an end; a focus on choice and freedom rather than achievements; pluralism about values; being deeply concerned with entrenched social injustices; and ascribing an urgent …

What is capability approach theory?

The capability approach (also referred to as the capabilities approach) is a normative approach to human welfare that concentrates on the actual capability of persons to achieve their well-being rather than on their mere right or freedom to do so.

What is capability equality?

If one believes that one should strive for equality of capability, then each person should have the same real opportunity (capability), but once that is in place, each individual should be held responsible for his or her own choices.

What does my capability meaning?

1 : the quality or state of being capable also : ability The mayor has demonstrated his capability to handle municipal problems. 2 : a feature or faculty capable of development : potentiality This vacant urban district has great capabilities.

Why is the capability approach important?

The main reason why the capability approach holds that it is better to focus on the ends rather than the means, is that people differ in their ability to convert means into valuable opportunities (capabilities) or outcomes (functionings) (Sen 1992: 26–28, 36–38).

What is capability example?

Can the capability approach be justified?

If the capability approach defines itself even in part in contrast to other approaches, then for the capability approach to be justified, it has to be the case that it can really do something that the other approaches cannot do. Thomas Pogge, in a recent paper, has argued that ‘neither Sen nor Nussbaum has so far shown that the capability approach can

Is the capability approach paternalist?

A capability approach prescribes paternalist government actions to the extent that it requires the promotion of specific functionings, instead of the corresponding capabilities. Capability theorists have argued that their theories do not have much of these paternalist implications, since promoting capabilities will be the rule, promoting functionings the exception.

What is Capabilities Framework?

The information capabilities framework is the people-, process- and technology-agnostic set of capabilities needed to describe, organize, integrate, share and govern an organization’s information assets in an application-independent manner in support of its enterprise information management (EIM) goals.

What is another word for capabilities?

Synonyms for capability. physical, mental, financial, or legal power to perform. Synonyms. ability. capacity. competence. competency.