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What is Confirmability of a study?

What is Confirmability of a study?

Confirmability The degree to which the findings of the research study could be confirmed by other researchers. Confirmability is concerned with establishing that data and interpretations of the findings are not figments of the inquirerTs imagination, but clearly derived from the data.

What is reflexivity in research?

Reflexivity “means turning of the researcher lens back onto oneself to recognize and take responsibility for one’s own situatedness within the research and the effect that it may have on the setting and people being studied, questions being asked, data being collected and its interpretation” (Berger, 2015, p. 220).

What does transferable mean in research?

The transferability of a research finding is the extent to which it can be applied in other contexts and studies. It is thus equivalent to or a replacement for the terms generalizability and external validity.

How is triangulation used in qualitative research?

Triangulation refers to the use of multiple methods or data sources in qualitative research to develop a comprehensive understanding of phenomena (Patton, 1999). Triangulation also has been viewed as a qualitative research strategy to test validity through the convergence of information from different sources.

How do you demonstrate Confirmability in qualitative research?

There are a number of strategies for enhancing confirmability. The researcher can document the procedures for checking and rechecking the data throughout the study. Another researcher can take a “devil’s advocate” role with respect to the results, and this process can be documented.

What is authenticity in qualitative research?

An important issue for qualitative research is that of authenticity. Authenticity involves shifting away from concerns about the reliability and validity of research to concerns about research that is worthwhile and thinking about its impact on members of the culture or community being researched.

What is reflexivity?

Reflexivity generally refers to the examination of one’s own beliefs, judgments and practices during the research process and how these may have influenced the research. If positionality refers to what we know and believe then reflexivity is about what we do with this knowledge.

How do you do reflexivity in research?

Qualitative researchers can engage in reflexivity through (1) jotting notes about participants’ comments and researcher’s thoughts during the interview, (2) memoing as soon as possible after an interview, and (3) developing and continually editing the researcher’s subjectivity statement.

How do you know if a study is transferable?

Transferability is established by providing readers with evidence that the research study’s findings could be applicable to other contexts, situations, times, and populations. It is important to note that you as the researcher cannot prove that the research study’s findings will be applicable.

What is the purpose of triangulation?

Abstract. Triangulation is a technique to analyze results of the same study using different methods of data collection. It is used for three main purposes: to enhance validity, to create a more in-depth picture of a research problem, and to interrogate different ways of understanding a research problem.

What is an example of triangulation?

Examples. If a parent refuses to acknowledge their children’s personality and individualism, and at the same time, siblings are treated very differently and discouraged from communicating with one another except through the parent, it’s triangulation.