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What is difference between text and numeric data types?
Text data type : It is used to store text or a combination of text and numbers that does not require calculation such as addresses, phone numbers etc. Heat store numeric information that you can use for calculations. A number data type can store integer values as well as decimal values.
What is a numeric field?
Filters. A data field that holds only numbers to be calculated. Contrast with character field.
What are fields in text?
A data structure that holds alphanumeric data, such as name and address. If a text field holds large, or unlimited, amounts of text, it may be called a “memo field.” See text file.
What is a numeric field in computers?
N. A data field that holds only numbers to be calculated. Contrast with character field.
What is difference between field and record?
In a database table, field is a column and records are rows. Answer: The term “fields” refers to columns, or vertical categories of data while the term “records” refers to rows, or horizontal groupings of unique field data.
What is a text field on Iphone?
A text field is a single-line, fixed-height field, often with rounded corners, that automatically brings up a keyboard when the user taps it. Use a text field to request a small amount of information, such as an email address. Show a hint in a text field to help communicate purpose.
What is form field Help text?
Form fields can have help text, placeholder text, and predefined values. Help Text: Text that appears as a sub-heading to the field label, but doesn’t appear in the field entry area. Predefined Value: Text in the field entry area that is submitted if the field is left untouched by the user.
What is the difference between numeric and string variables?
Numeric variables contain only numbers and are suitable for numeric calculations such as addition and multiplication. String variables may contain letters, numbers and other characters. You can’t do calculations on string variables -even if they contain only numbers.
What is not a numeric datatype?
Boolean. These are int, long, short, byte, float, and double, and they allow us to represent integer and real numbers. Java offers two additional non-numeric primitive data types: char (to represent alphanumeric characters and special symbols) and boolean (to represent the truth values true and false).
What do you need to know about text fields?
A text field records information that only the user can enter. Text Form Field – Inserts a Text Form field allowing users to insert text, numbers symbols and spaces. These field codes cannot be modiifed manually. You must always use the Form Fields Options dialog box to make your changes.
How does a field’s data type affect a field?
A field’s data type determines many other important field qualities, such as the following: Which formats can be used with the field. The maximum size of a field value. How the field can be used in expressions.
Can a field be set to the AutoNumber data type?
In a relationship or a join, fields that are set to the AutoNumber data type are compatible with fields that are set to the Number data type if the Field Size property of the latter is Long Integer. You cannot change the data type or the Field Size property of a field that is involved in a table relationship.
What’s the maximum number of text characters in a field?
This field can contain up to 1,048,576 text characters. You can set the maximum length to be less than this. When you add this field to a form, you can specify the size of the field. This field provides a set of options.