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What is dissolved oxygen explain?

What is dissolved oxygen explain?

Dissolved oxygen (DO) is the amount of oxygen that is present in water. Water bodies receive oxygen from the atmosphere and from aquatic plants. Running water, such as that of a swift moving stream, dissolves more oxygen than the still water of a pond or lake.

What is dissolved oxygen and why is it important?

Dissolved oxygen (DO) is one of the most important indicators of water quality. It is essential for the survival of fish and other aquatic organisms. Oxygen dissolves in surface water due to the aerating action of winds. Oxygen is also introduced into the water as a byproduct of aquatic plant photosynthesis.

What is dissolved oxygen called?

Oxygen (O2) dissolved in water is called dissolved oxygen (DO). In the natural world, the amount of O2 dissolved in water is proportional to the partial pressure of O2 in air and is expressed as the amount of O2 dissolved per unit volume of water (mg/L).

What is an example of dissolved oxygen?

Re-aeration: Oxygen from air is dissolved in water at its surface, mostly through turbulence. Examples of this include: Water tumbling over rocks (rapids, waterfalls, riffles) Wave action Photosynthesis (during daylight) Plants produce oxygen when they photosynthesize.

What is BOD and COD?

The biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) represents the amount of dissolved oxygen (DO) consumed by biological organisms when they decompose organic matter in water. The chemical oxygen demand (COD) is the amount of oxygen consumed when the water sample is chemically oxidised.

What is normal dissolved oxygen?

Healthy water should generally have dissolved oxygen concentrations above 6.5-8 mg/L and between about 80-120 %.

What is the difference between oxygen and dissolved oxygen?

Non-compound oxygen, or free oxygen (O2), is oxygen that is not bonded to any other element. Dissolved oxygen is the presence of these free O2 molecules within water. The bonded oxygen molecule in water (H2O) is in a compound and does not count toward dissolved oxygen levels.

Does dissolved oxygen affect pH?

A minor increase in pH levels can cause a oligotrophic (rich in dissolved oxygen) lake to become eutrophic (lacking dissolved oxygen). Even minor pH changes can have long-term effects.

Is dissolved oxygen same as oxygen?

Is dissolved oxygen a gas or liquid?

Dissolved oxygen (DO) is oxygen gas (O2) that is dissolved in water. Gases in the atmosphere, such as oxygen, nitrogen and carbon dioxide, naturally dissolve in water to some degree. Like salt or sugar, these gases are invisible in water once they become dissolved.

What is COD BYJU’s?

The amount of oxygen that is required for the chemical oxidation of the organic and inorganic chemicals present in the wastewater by utilising oxidising agents like Potassium permanganate, Potassium dichromate etc. is called as chemical oxygen demand (COD).

What is ETP and STP?

ETP( Effluent Treatment Plant) STP ( Sewage Treatment Plant)