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What is extension example?

What is extension example?

The definition of an extension is an addition such as to a building, an extra phone line connected to the main line or an extra amount of time given to someone to pay a debt. An example of an extension is adding a second story to a single story house. An example of an extension is line two on a business line.

How do you extend a simple sentence?

Expanding a sentence means adding one or more words to the main clause to provide extra detail. It could be a few words, a phrase, or multiple clauses. Without a good understanding of sentence types, it’s hard for students to understand the possibilities available to them.

Is it extension to or extension of?

If you want to be super-precise you might argue that the first example (extensions to…) means that you are describing something that is related to the basic model and yet differs enough to be distinct; whereas the second example (extensions of…) concerns something that goes beyond the basic model but still remains …

What is extension grammar?

noun. an act or instance of extending, lengthening, stretching out, or enlarging the scope of something. the state of being extended, lengthened, or stretched out.

What is the extension of word?

Common file name extensions in Windows

Extension Format
docm Microsoft Word macro-enabled document
docx Microsoft Word document
dot Microsoft Word template before Word 2007
dotx Microsoft Word template

What are extension sentences?

Extended sentences are imposed in certain types of cases where the court has found that the offender is dangerous, and an extended licence period is required to protect the public from risk of serious harm.

How do you extend for example?

“He extended an invitation for dinner.” “She always extends her hospitality when we’re in town.” “They are having a good time and will extend their stay.” “She’s working to extend her cooking knowledge.”

What is your extension meaning?

1 : the act of making something longer or greater extension of the sail. 2 : an increase in length or time. 3 : a part forming an addition or enlargement.

What is education extension?

The field of extension education focuses on “extending” university knowledge and resources to communities throughout the state. Extension offices serve as a community-based education hub where extension educators learn about their local community needs and help develop education programs to address them.

What is an extension in a sentence?

an addition to the length of something 12. an addition that extends a main building. (1) Donald’s been given an extension to finish his thesis. (2) The extension of the garden will take several weeks.

What is the extension of plain text file?

Text file

Filename extension .txt
Type code TEXT
Uniform Type Identifier (UTI) public.plain-text
UTI conformation public.text
Type of format Document file format, Generic container format

How do you use extensions?

From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishby extensionby extensionSO/CONSEQUENTLYused when you want to mention something that is naturally related to something else My primary responsibility is to the pupils, and by extension to the teachers and parents.

How is the word extension used in a sentence?

Examples of Extension in a sentence Since the plug was across the room, Toby needed an extension so the cord could reach his computer. 🔊 Being so similar in appearance and demeanor, the child was considered an extension of her mother. 🔊

What is the medical definition of an extension?

Medical Definition of extension 1 : the stretching of a fractured or dislocated limb so as to restore it to its natural position 2 : an unbending movement around a joint in a limb (as the knee or elbow) that increases the angle between the bones of the limb at the joint — compare flexion sense 1

When to use a semicolon to extend a sentence?

A sentence can be extended with a semicolon when a slight break is preferable to a new sentence. For example: No one was hurt in the accident; the only real injury was a broken finger. Never pick a fight with an ugly person; they’ve got nothing to lose.

When to use a colon in a sentence?

Take a quick test. A sentence can be extended with a colon when the writer wishes to expand on something already mentioned in the sentence. (A colon is used to introduce some more information about something previously mentioned in the sentence.) For example: